Friday, September 23, 2022

9-23-2022 Devotion: High Tower

 Psalm 18: 2: "The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower." He calls the LORD his strength, his rock, his fortress, and his deliverer—in all of this He is his Savior, you see. Then he says again that He is his strength, He is his shield, his horn, and his high tower. He is my shield—He protects me. He is my horn, my power. By laying hold of the horns of the altar a person would be safe from his attackers. That is how we need to hold on to our God today. The Lord, our Savior, is our horn. He is our high tower. A high tower is also a good place for protection and a good place to get a vision and a perspective of life. Many of us need to go to the high tower. There is a place of safety even in the wicked godless world we live in today. That safety is found in the LORD. As we run to Him, he will be our rock, our fortress, and my deliverer. That is a comfort to my soul today.

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