Monday, September 5, 2022

9-5-2022 Devotion: Have Mercy

 Psalm 6: 2: "Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed." David is conscious of his deserving rebuke. Whether the psalmist is suffering from a physical sickness or spiritual illness, we do not know. However, the miseries of the depressed can be both physical and psychological, and often the description of the two conditions is interwoven. David fears God’s angry discipline, so he appeals to his own weakened state to motivate God to act with kindness. Twice David cries, “How long?” (v. 3). This question implies that God knows, cares, and can help—but he’s delaying for some unknown reason. If you read the next three verses, you will see that David boldly gives three reasons why God should answer his prayer: David is weak, God is faithful, and David can praise God only if he lives (vv. 2, 4, 5). An important takeaway from these verses is that we can ask for mercy, even if we think we don't deserve it. If you feel depressed, distressed, sick, lost, or unsure of yourself, go to the LORD and simply say, "LORD, have mercy on me." I believe He will.

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