Friday, February 10, 2023

2-10-2023 Devotion: Sword

 As we engage in spiritual warfare, we want to make sure we have the correct armour and sword to wield. The sword is the Word of God. The Greek word translated "sword" refers to the Roman gladius, a short sword about 2 feet long, used for close hand to hand combat. This is the only clearly offensive weapon the believer carries. As the sword was the soldier’s only weapon, so God’s Word is the only needed weapon, infinitely more powerful than any of Satan’s. It was used both defensively to fend off Satan’s attacks, and offensively to help destroy the enemy’s strategies. It is the truth of Scripture. Notice this is a close range weapon. This tells you that when you are resisting the devil, he will be close to you in temptations appealing to the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, and lust of the flesh. People get in trouble when they "seek a word from the Lord" apart from Scripture, and place their trust in impressions and thoughts. The LORD God speaks through His Word, not random thoughts or impressions. Just like any good soldier, you must be thorough in your knowledge about your weapon. That is another reason you must read the Scriptures daily and study them to be approved. You need a weapon ready to oppose the enemy. That weapon is the written Word of God.

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