Monday, February 6, 2023

2-6-2023 Devotions: Expectations

 One might think it obvious that there is an expectation that God will answer prayer. Otherwise, why bother to pray.We want to address the proper expectation one should maintain while praying. Roger Steer said the following concerning the expectations of George Muller (Muller ran an orphanage and told his needs only to God in prayer and he never asked people for money) in prayer: “He enjoyed spending time in his presence. He believed God’s promise. He approached his heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, his Saviour, friend and master. In obedient trust, he expected answers to his prayers—and, as the world knows, he got them.”Muller expected that if he met the conditions for prayer, then God would send the answer. Those answers would enable him to provide for the many orphans in his care. So I ask you, what are your expectations in prayer? Do you believe God answers prayers? Hint: He does but sometimes the answers are yes, no, or wait. We have to approach the throne of glory expecting to be heard, and then acknowledge that He knows best. I trust the Sovereign Lord God, Creator of the universe, and I trust in His Providence to control events that will bring about His perfect plan. That enables me to sleep at night.  

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