Tuesday, February 14, 2023

2-14-2023 Devotion: Shoes

 As we continue thinking about spiritual warfare, we want to make sure we have all the armor God has provided. We will stay with Ephesians 6: 15 which reads: "And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace...." Shoes are necessary for standing. They speak of the foundation. Without good shoes in a battle, you will be at an extreme disadvantage. We need a good, solid foundation, and preparation is foundational. I remember in teaching martial arts, we were taught to make sure we had a secure, balanced base. Are your feet anchored on the Rock known as the Lord Jesus Christ? Christ is your foundation in this world. No other foundation can any man lay but the one that is laid, Jesus Christ. We are to put on Christ. Oh, how we need Him today as we face a world that wants to destroy the Christian faith and ridicule it. There is also extreme spiritual wickedness in the darkness of this world! Stand strong. Stand with the Lord Jesus Christ.

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