Monday, February 20, 2023

2-20-2023 Devotion: God’s Will

 1 Thessalonians  5: 17 reads: "Pray without ceasing." This has to do with an attitude of prayer. I don’t think this means that one is to stay on his knees all the time. But it means to pray regularly and to be constantly in the attitude of prayer. This is closely connected with verse 18: " In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." This tells us to “give thanks” in all circumstances, not just once a year, but all the time. This “is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” If you come to me and ask what is the will of God for you, I can tell you four specific things that are the will of God for you: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in everything and your sanctification. That is the will of God for you. People are constantly trying to "get a word from the Lord." I smile and I say I have a word from the Lord for you. People respond with, "You do?" They will ask if I'm sure. When I tell them that I guarantee I have a word for them and then I give them Scripture. The disappointment in their faces indicates that they probably need the gospel. Listen closely, the Word of God is all you need to know His will. His Word will guide you through life. His Word is perfect. Do you believe that? I do!

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