Tuesday, February 7, 2023

2-7-2023 Devotion: Conditions

 We want to continue focusing on developing our devotional time with the Lord. This is to be a time of excitement and joy, not legalism and drudgery. We want to approach this most important part of the day with the proper expectations. One might think it obvious that there is an expectation that God will answer prayer. Yesterday, we looked at some thoughts on prayer by George Muller who operated many orphanages in England. Through only prayer, without asking for money, Muller raised in today's dollars an amount that exceeds $105,000,000.00. Muller expected that if he met the conditions for prayer, then God would send the answer. Those answers would enable him to provide for the many orphans in his care. He explained the conditions as: “First, he said, our requests must be according to God’s will. Second, we mustn’t ask on account of our own goodness or merit, but ‘in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ’—John 14:12-14. Muller was careful to remind his congregation, however, as he often did, of the verse in Psalm 66:18 ‘If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened….The third condition was that we must exercise faith in the power and willingness of God to answer our prayers….The fourth condition was that ‘we have to continue patiently waiting on God till the blessing we seek is granted.’” Do you believe like Muller that God will answer your prayers? God will answer, don't ever stop believing that.

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