Friday, February 24, 2023

2-24-2023 Devotion: Wait

 Isaiah 40: 31 reads: "They who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength." Just as your physical body needs food, water, exercise and rest, so does your spiritual life need refreshments. You need to take several times a day to refresh your soul with heartfelt meaningful prayer to your Lord. Doing so is like taking deep breaths of fresh air for your lungs. As you grab your Bible with enthusiasm to read His very Words to you, you do so with anticipation that His Word will provide clear direction for you. Regardless of what you are dealing with, or whatever decision you need to make, you will find the answers between Genesis and Revelation. His Word is Perfect, Infallible, and Complete. In His Word are the answers. Believe me I know. Whenever I have to make a major decision, I consult the Book of Books, His Holy Word and stay with it until I find direction. He has never failed me and He will never fail you. Pray and study and your spiritual life will mature and you will be able to help others. This is how you "wait."

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