Wednesday, February 22, 2023

2-22-2023 Devotion: More Faith

 We will continue to look at Habakkuk 2:4:: "...the just shall live by faith." The Hebrew word translated "faith" is "muna." "Muna" means faithfulness, trustworthiness, and steadiness. The word has other meanings including being truthful and honest. The person walking by faith will be walking in the truth. Without truth you won't have faith. John 17: 17 states in part, "Thy word is truth." This is why I constantly draw people back to the Word. I had a person begin to lecture me about how "Jesus" has a sense of humor and that humor is something he could identify with. Really! What Bible verse says Jesus has a sense of humor? In listening to him for about 20 minutes I became convinced I was talking to an unsaved religionist. Remember Satan doesn't mind if you are religious as long as you leave the Lord Jesus Christ out. The man never mentioned Holy Spirit conviction, blood redemption, the crucifixion or resurrection. His faith was based on a religious experience involving the emotion of humor. Those of us who know the truth must state that there is no salvation without repentance and recognizing Him as the Lord Jesus Christ. True faith is based on truth. The Word is truth. We follow the Words of life from our Lord Jesus Christ and reject everything else. Stay true to His Word and walk in His faith.

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