Saturday, February 25, 2023

2-25-2023 Devotion: Filled

 Acs 13: 52 reads: "And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit." Live by faith. Rejoice through faith. Don't allow discouragement to erupt in your life. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not speaking in some gibberish the way some teach. One of the first study Bibles used by Charismatics was the "Dake's Study Bible."  In one of the notes, Rev. Dake wrote that after someone spoke in tongues the first time they could do so again because it was in their mental make-up, even in a backslidden condition. Anything that can be done backslidden should not be a test to establish some spiritual advancement. No! One can know that they are spirit-filled when he or she hates sin, confesses Jesus as Lord, and loves to pray and read the Word of God. While it might be easier to scream, "Re-tie my bow tie" or "get a honda" God has a far better test. That test is where is your heart? If you heart is following the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord, and you are seeking Him daily with a desperation that you must be close to Him, you are "Spirit-filled." Be filled today!

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