Sunday, February 26, 2023

2-26-2023 Devotion: Meditation

 Psalm 119: 97: "Oh how I love your law. It is my meditation all the day." The psalmist meditated in God’s Word because he loved it, and then he loved it even more because he meditated in it. Spending time in God's Word and meditating (means to mutter to yourself) will improve your faith. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." This type of faith gave Moses the backbone to stand up to Pharoah, Daniel to walk into the lion's den, the three Hebrew children the courage to not be afraid of the fiery furnace, and for Paul not to cease to preach the gospel despite the beatings, sicknesses, and abandonment by those he thought he could count on. Nothing stops a person of faith. Nothing is impossible to the one that has real faith. Faith comes from the Word of God. If you are facing a tough challenge or opposition or emotional hurt from someone you thought of as a friend, know that God has given you His Word to not just get you through, but to be victorious as well. With God's Word, you have all the revelation you need to know His will and the faith to walk in that will. 

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