Thursday, February 9, 2023

2-9-2023 Devotion: Resist

 We are living in challenging times with both cultural and financial issues facing the Christian believer. How are we to live a Biblical lifestyle in the face of a society that disapproves of our beliefs? This is true spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is not so much a battle for territory as it is a battle for truth. Satan is a defeated foe so our duty is not to engage him, rather we resist him. James 4: 7 reads: "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." The Greek word for "resist" means to "stand your ground, stand in opposition, rebel  or oppose." People that think they get up every day to fight the devil are Biblically in error. You don't play the team after the game is over. When it's over, it's over. Well, for Satan, it's over. Our duty is to oppose him and resist him, not fight him. When we approach every day with a resolute purpose to hate sin, fight sin, and oppose sin, that is the spiritual warfare we are to engage in. The war is over, Satan has lost, but let us resolve not to give him a victory in our lives. Ressit him!

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