Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Crucifying Self

Many old time holiness people believed in taking the “death route” to crucify self. Someone said, “I was born twice, I died once, and I expect to live forever.” An old hymn in older Church of the Nazarene hymnals contained the song, “Let Me Die:”
“O God, my heart doth long for Thee; let me die!
Now set my soul at Liberty; let me die!
   Die to the trifling things of earth;
   They’re now to me of little worth:
My Saviour calls, I’m going forth; let me die.

Thy slaying power in me display; let me die!
I must be dead from day to day; let me die!
    Dead to the world and it’s applause—
    To all it’s customs, fashions, laws,
Of those who hate the humbling cross; let me die!

My friends may say I’ll ruined be; if I die!
If I leave all and follow Thee; but I’ll die!
    Their arguments will never weigh,
    Nor stand the trying judgment day,
Help me to cast them all away; let me die!

Oh, I must die to scoffs and sneers; let me die!
I must be free from slavish fears; let me die!
    So dead that no desire will rise
    To appear good or great or wise
In any but the Saviour’s eyes; let me die!”

A.W.Tozer said the following about crucifixion of self: “We must do something about the cross, and there’s only one of two things we can do—flee it or die upon it.”

The Christian that wants all God has for him/her, must come to a place of death; not the end of their physical life, but an end of their personal wishes and desires. When one comes to a place where all has been surrendered, where all is upon the altar, where all one wants is God’s will for their life, they have crucified self. This includes the future. The old timers called it the “unknown bundle.”

So are you holding on to something? Is there a part of your life you still control? Is there something you can do better or know better than God? Dying to self is a call of complete surrender to the One who loves your soul better than you do. So, what holds you back?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Seek Ye First

”But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

Thought one: “Following Jesus must be more important than every comfort we may have. If you place your comfort above following Jesus then you have stifled your greatest impulse.”

Thought two: “Following Jesus must be more important than every other responsibility we have. The most important responsibility a Christian should have is to follow Jesus and nothing should supersede that. It is important responsibility to provide for your family, but if you place that responsibility before following Jesus then your priorities are wrong. It is an important responsibility to pay your bills, but if you place that responsibility before tithing then your priorities are wrong.”

Thought three: “Following Jesus must be more important than every other desire or duty that we might have. The most important desire a Christian should have is to follow Jesus and nothing should supplant that. It is not wrong to desire a vacation, relaxation or recreation but if it hinders or keeps us from following Jesus or attending regularly and faithfully our local church then your good impulses have been stifled.”

What is first in your life? Does something hold you back from saying “Yes” to God with your entire heart? Do you have a, “Yes, but?” Have you chosen comforts over God’s will? Have you allowed family or friends to entice you away from following Jesus with your whole heart? God is seeking disciples. Will you answer the call to be one?

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Running Father

Yesterday, I preached a sermon on the Heart of God. It was based on Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son. I prefer to call it the parable of the running father. Most of us have heard the story. It is found in Luke 15: 11-32. The younger son says to the father, give my inheritance. In essence, I wish you were dead. The son gets his money, goes to a far away land and wastes all his money. He ends up in a swine pit feeding the pigs. He comes to himself, leaves the swine pit, and returns home. The father sees him in the distance, runs to him and welcomes him back. The son has prepared a speech to give his father, but the father cuts him off, puts a robe on him (in place of the dirty clothes he was wearing), puts a ring on his hand (signifying authority and respect), and has a party rejoicing over his return. The elder son is angry and refuses to join the celebration because of his self righteousness.

From this passage, I stated that the heart of God was a hopeful heart. Some scholars believe in the story the father would have been waiting 3-5 years before the son returned. That was hope that caused the father to keep looking for the son’s return. The heart of God was compassionate. If the community had learned of the son’s activities, losing his money to gentiles, he would have been cut off. The father has compassion and gets to the son first, stops him from saying too much, and puts the tone and ting on him to accept him back. I also stated that the heart of God was a forgiving and rejoicing heart. So far, the story is as you have probably heard.

One of my points was that the son was not forgiven until after he left the swine pit. The forgiveness and restoration would not take place while the son was in sin. He leaves the swine and returned. That triggered the forgiveness and cleansing from the father. One of the senior members of the congregation, a long time believer and church member, came up to me afterwards and said, “I have heard many sermons on the prodigal son. But, this is the first time that anyone ever pointed out that the son had to leave the swine pit to be cleansed.” I turned to the man and said, “That is the fault of the church. We need a return to the thundering from the pulpit that sin must be repented of, that there is no salvation without repentance.” The church needs to return to the old gospel message that Jesus Christ saves us from our sins, not in our sins. Methods may change, but the message must not. Otherwise, there are going to be disappointed “Christians” on the day of judgment that were living in sin and they will hear the words, “Depart from me....” Spread the Word.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

God’s Channel of Power

From the writings of E.M.Bounds, we read the following:
“We are constantly straining to devise new methods, new plans, new organizations to advance the Church and secure enlargement and efficiency for the Gospel.”

“This trend of the day has a tendency to lose sight of the man or sink the man in the plan or organization. God’s plan is to make much of the man, far more of him than of anything else. Men are God’s method.”

“The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. ‘There was a man sent from God, whose name was John’ John 1:6....The glory and efficiency of the gospel are staked on the men who proclaim it.”

“What the Church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or novel methods, but men whom the Holy Spirit can use—men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Spirit does not flow methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men—men of prayer.”

Editorial note: Rev. Bounds wrote in the 1800s and early 1900s, so he addressed his comments to men. There were few women clergy at the time. If he wrote today, he would have included women in his comments.

If you want to be used of God, you need to become a person of prayer. This is so much more than just presenting a list of needs. While needs are included, prayer is so much more than that. Prayer is spending time with God and His Word. If you want to be used in kingdom work, you will need to access the Divine channel of power and it’s prayer.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

4th Bible Study: Judgment on Judah

The lesson tomorrow is from the minor prophet Zephaniah. Zephaniah prophesied in the days of Josiah. He was a great grandson of Hezekiah, thus of Royal blood. This was preceded by a long wicked reign of Manasseh. There was a great reformation under Josiah and Zephaniah was a prime mover in that positive change of righteousness under Josiah. The prophecy contained in the book was given a few years before Judah’s Day of Doom struck.

Chapter 1 in Zephaniah speaks of an impending day of wrath for the nation of Judah. Judah has turned its back on the Lord. A day of terror was about to break on Judah. The Babylonian invasion and Judah’s captivity would follow about 20 years later. God promises in verse 2, to utterly consume all things from the land. The people of Judah were mixing their religion, verse 5. Malcham was an Ammonite god. God is a jealous God and you can’t worship Him and false deities at the same time and think it will be acceptable. We see this today as Christians bring in elements of new age beliefs and mingle with Christianity. Don’t believe for an instant that such practices will go unnoticed or unpunished. God will bring judgment on those that mingle false religions with the true faith. God will have all of our heart’s affection, or He will have none of our heart’s affection. Jesus said, “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Matthew 6:24

In verses 7-12, the Day of the Lord is the topic. God will not postpone judgment forever on those that dishonor Him by also worshipping false deities. Today those deities could be materialism, compromise, tolerance of sin, or anything that separates you from God. The lesson mentions how we dress. I have been asked, does God care about how I dress? The answer is yes, specifically if that dress promotes a worldly attitude or spirit. It’s not that there is a dress code like certain religions, but you can sometimes tell much about people from their dress. Men and women should both dress modestly promoting holiness. Sanctified people want to do nothing that might cause another to fall into sin. The section ends with a very sobering thought: “No one would escape in the destruction of the city. Nothing and no person can hide from the Omniscient God. He will search with candles so that every hiding place would be exposed.

My final thoughts:
1. As I read this, I’m so thankful that because of the blood of Jesus Christ, I don’t have to fear God’s judgment.
2. I want my life, which includes how I dress, spend money, and use my leisure time to promote holiness.
3. There is an experience of salvation and then sanctification that empowers the person to live for Christ without fear of judgment.

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon.

Next week: The King in the Midst of Thee.

Friday, July 26, 2019

We Must Have God’s Fullness Part 2

”Here is the secret of the Church’s failure. She is like Israel of old. She has multiplied her defenses cities and her palaces, but she has forgotten the God of Israel, in whom her strength is.”

“In view of these solemn facts that individual Christians are weak and worldly and joyless, and churches are barren, and lifeless without this filling of the Spirit, it is any wonder that God commands all believers to obtain this blessing (being filled with the Holy Spirit).”

The theologian Daniel Steele said: “Six months ago I made the discovery that I was living a sub-standard state of New Testament experience—admiring Christ’s character, obeying his law, and in a degree loving His person, but without the conscious blessing of the Comforter. I settled the question of privilege by a study of John’s Gospel and Paul’s Epistles, and earnestly sought for the Comforter. I prayed, consecrated, confessed my state, and believed Christ’s word. Very suddenly, after about three weeks’ diligent search, the Comforter came with power and great joy to my heart.”

Friend, is your Christian experience sub-standard? Consider setting aside a time of soul searching. Can you testify that you are filed with the Holy Spirit? If not, consider Dr. Steele’s approach: pray, consecrate (surrender all to Christ), confess your need, and have faith in God’s Word that there is a second experience after initial salvation. Have faith that God wants to sanctify you wholly. You will know it when the Holy Ghost fills you! Your heart will be cleansed from all carnal traits and you will be on fire for God. Tomorrow, part 3 of “We Must Have God’s Fullness.”

Thursday, July 25, 2019

We Must Have God’s Fullness Part 1

“Why is it that the Christian Church, instead of pushing a bold, aggressive warfare, under the leadership of her divine Teacher, the Holy Spirit, for the conquest of the world, is in the main quietly reposing in her trenches, barracks and spiritual hospitals, maintaining a feeble defensive, unable to resist the innovating forces of worldliness and sin, and the corrupting tide of atheism itself?”

F.B.Meyer stated: “How little power average Christians have. They wave the censer between the living and the dead, but the plague is not stayed. Like Gehazi, they lay the staff on the face of the dead child, but life does not return. Like the disciples at the foot of the mount, they speak the healing words, but the devil-possessed are not relieved. They pray, but prayers are unanswered. The life-giving power must be in us, or we shall not see dead sinners come to life through our words.”

“Here is the weakness of the Church of our time. There are many members, but too many of them are Gehazis and faithless disciples. Until more believers are filled with the sanctifying and power-giving Holy Spirit, even the children of the Church households will remain dead and devil-possessed.” The above was written by A.M.Hills, a very respected holiness author and minister. He died in 1935. One can only imagine what he would write today given the sad state of many churches.

We do need God’s sanctifying fullness in our lives. We need men and women of God, sold out 100% for the gospel, that genuinely care for the lost. Will you become one? Know that you will lose some “friends” and church members if you begin to walk fully after Jesus Christ. However, you will have the privilege of suffering for our Lord. More tomorrow on obtaining this fullness in your walk.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Walking the Talk

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

“Putting God first is not easy. In this Scripture Jesus demands our all, and leaves no room for going so far. There is no reason for ‘almost’ following Jesus. For us it is not just saying With our lips that Jesus is number one. It is answering the call to discipleship to follow Jesus with everything we are.”

“Sadly, many churches of today are lowering the commitment level to attract attenders. In a George Gallup poll in 1982 he contends that fewer than ten percent of Evangelical Christians could be called deeply committed. The majority who profess Christianity do not know basic Christian teachings and do not act differently because of their Christian profession. A Lutheran pastor said, ‘Ninety percent of our parishes across the country require less commitment than the local Kiwanis club.’ Churches are afraid that if they preach a radical doctrine against sin, they might offend some folks, so they focus on the positive and speak about sin only in the most general terms. They don’t want to deal with touchy doctrinal issues, because people in our day want to be tolerant and non-judgmental. Church discipline has been changed or cast aside. The focus is on being upbeat and feeling good so that everyone feels loved and accepted unconditionally. As a result, we have millions of churchgoers who call themselvesChristians, but who follow nothing of a full surrender to Jesus Christ.”

It can be easy to say the right thing, but do we back it up with our actions in daily life. An old rabbinical saying referred to “walking in the dust of the master.” This meant that you followed your master so close that the dust of his sandals got on your feet. So today, have you put God first? Are you following Jesus all the way no matter what occurs? Lastly, are your feet dusty?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Be Spirit Filled!

”Be filled with the Spirit.” Ephesians 5:18
“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6

“Such is God’s command to each of us. To be filled with the Spirit is not to our choice whether we will receive it or not. It is not merely a privilege which we may or may not enjoy. It is God’s command which no one can neglect without being disobedient to Him. Any Christian who does not experience the fullness of the Spirit is unfaithful to His Lord, and culpably negligent of God’s choicest gift of grace. He is unbelieving towards God, and is content to be lukewarm in His service when he might be a flame of fire.”

“There are signs everywhere that very few have received the fullness of the Spirit. What feebleness in service there is! How much labour expended with little or no fruit in the conversion of souls! How little joy in prayer, or power to pray so that answers are received. How little divine light received directly through the Word. How little mourning over sinners. How little real love to the people of God, of whatever name or race they may be!”

Let us arise and shake off the things that hold us back. Let us be willing to receive from God this choicest gift of His grace to us, His Holy Spirit. It is God’s command, and therefore both promised and possible. To be full of the Holy Spirit is to be entirely sanctified. What stands between you and God today? Whatever it is, remove it immediately. Surrender all you are, your past, present and future  into the care of our loving Father. Die out to all carnal traits one at a time and know that God is faithful to send the Holy Spirit to fill you to overflowing. Be filled with the Spirit!

Monday, July 22, 2019

God Guides and Protects

“Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.” Psalm 5:8
“And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night.” Exodus 13:21

“The pillar of cloud by day went before Israel to direct the way forward, to avoid by-paths, and to prevent Israel’s getting ahead of God’s leadings. The pillar of fire by night was behind to protect Israel from the enemy in the rear, to prevent lagging and backsliding from divine leadership.”

“Our Lord gives me the grace of keeping me in His peace, I find this: The more I plan and arrange to do a great deal in this place or that, the less gets done. But if I commit all my work to God much more gets done. Therefore I will let Him work.”

As we begin the work week, we may face many challenges. Some from circumstances and some from people. If you allow God to lead you and be your rear guard, you will find that the challenges are nothing more than stepping stones to greater faith and a closer relationship with Jesus. When people are cruel or mean, respond with the love of Christ. If finances are tight, remember who your Father is and what He owns. If you feel alone, remember Jesus is always with you. There is nothing that can occur to you this week that God cannot lead you and guide you through. Of course, it is inferred that you are in right standing with Him. Take a few moments and examine yourself to see if there is something you need to confess and seek forgiveness. Being clean is a great state to be in and you might be amazed how well you and God deal with the week!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Blaming Others

”Many people want to blame their situation on someone or something else. For instance, some people will say:
‘It was my parents that caused me to hate the church and God. I will never be a Christian because there are too many hypocrites. I cannot overcome this sin, because I was born this way.’

One man we talked with recently is so full of hate that it is almost impossible to reach him with the gospel truth. He hates everything and everybody it seems. He hates you because you say you are a Christian. When we told him, he must forgive those that he feels has wronged him in order to go to heaven, he said:
‘I will go to hell,’ ‘I don’t believe in Heaven or Hell. There is no Heaven. There is no Hell. There is no God.’”

We must realize that it is our choices that have gotten us to the place we are today. Others may have hurt you or influenced you, but it is your choice to hate, to sin, and live the way you do. The good news is that since your choices determine your present, you can change. You can choose to repent, to seek holiness and live a life dedicated to God. Think about this: no person, no matter how powerful can stop you from following God. Today is Sunday, the Lord’s Day. Some will choose to worship the Lord today. Others like the expression “Sunday Funday” and try to fill the day with everything but God. Don’t be surprised when you see the fruit of your choices, because fruit follows the planting of seeds. Are you planting seeds of holiness or seeds of rebellion against God? The great news is that if you have been planting wrong seeds, you can start a new harvest today!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

3rd Bible Study: The Prophet’s Praise

Tomorrow we end the study of the book of Habakkuk. We have seen the prophet complain in chapter 1 that it was unfair that a wicked nation should destroy God’s nation. God answered that He had a purpose in what was happening. In chapter 2, Habakkuk had another complaint. While acknowledging Judah deserved punishment, Habakkuk wanted more information. Does that remind you of anyone? God shows you something, but more data is necessary for you to get on board with God’s purpose. God told the prophet that the wicked nation of the Chaldeans would ultimately be destroyed and God’s people would fill the earth.

In lesson 3, the prophet praises God for His faithfulness. God is our refuge in the midst of trouble and He will see us through. Habakkuk had confidence in the security of God’s people. The lesson of this entire book is, man shall live by faith (2:2-4). “Faith is the ability to feel so sure of God, that, no matter how dark the day, there is no doubt as to the outcome. For God’s people there is a GLORIOUS FUTURE. It may be a long way off. But it is absolutely sure. Thus, in the midst of his gloom and despair, Habakkuk was an optimist of the first magnitude.”

In the first part of the lesson, Habakkuk prays that the work would be revived. It is certain that the people of God will be captured and deported because of their sin. The prophet appeals to God for mercy.

In the second part, we are reminded to focus on God’s glory and faithfulness. The best example I can give in dealing with problems is to approach them like a rowing a boat. When rowing a boat, look back at where you are coming from and move forward with your back facing the direction you are going. We are to move forward into whatever we are facing while looking back at the faithfulness of God in the past in the Bible and in our lives. We can face the future with confidence by looking back at God’s goodness and protection.

In the third part, we see God’s deliverance promised. God has delivered His people in the past and the unchanging God will continue to defend His own. Jesus is our ultimate deliverer. He will save His people from their sins. Ultimately, Satan and all evil will be overcome and cast into the lake of fire. Habakkuk was so awestruck at what God was going to do to the Chaldeans and for Judah, he was filled with amazement. While the intent of the wicked is to destroy the righteous, they will not prevail!

In the final part of the lesson, Habakkuk is confident and has joy that God’s ultimate plan will come about. Habakkuk’s Faith has triumphed (2:4). He knows God is still sovereign and in control. Do you?

My final thoughts:
1. No matter what things look like, God has a plan that will come about.
2. If you sin, don’t wait for judgment to come. We have Jesus Christ and His shed blood. Repent (turn away from sin and change your mind about sin, i.e., hate sin) and ask for forgiveness and cleansing.
3. Face the future by looking at the past faithfulness of God.

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon, you will be blessed!

Next week: Judgment on Judah.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Better Armor for a Better Fight

”Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11

“God’s whole armor of entire sanctification is provided to enable a man to stand. But to put on that armor is also to challenge the devil to use his whole arsenal of weapons against us.”

“Until a man tries by God’s grace to live above sin, he is not aware of how deeply involved he has been. Until a man trusts the Holy Spirit to keep him from all sin, Satan never tries his utmost to test a man. He doesn’t have to. The man commits sin and admits that he does. He is not seriously concerned about it, and expects to keep on sinning more or less. The devil knows that such a man is safely in his power. One sin leads to another. One sin anesthetizes the spirit so that the next sin hurts less. At last, God-given conscience is deathly quiet. The man does not suffer because he no longer resists. He does not feel defeat because he no longer tries to be victorious.”

With the Holy Spirit’s power, we are ready for the fight against the world, sin and Satan. We can stand because we have the Word of God and the Holy Spirit empowering us for continuing sanctification. When we are first saved, initial sanctification commences. Subsequent to salvation, we are to be entirely sanctified purifying our hearts from all the old carnal traits (like anger, pride, lust, envy, jealousy, greed and pride just to mention a few). After that, as we continue to grow and mature, we depend on God’s grace for continuing sanctification so we are ready not just for a small fight with the enemy, but for an all out battle equipped with His whole armor.

So, what are you wearing today?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Letter from President Reagan to his dying atheist father-in-law

Ronald Reagan’s lost private letter written while President to his dying atheist father-in-law was found and published in the Washington Post this week. There could be no better words penned to a dying doctor about discovering hope and salvation. A great inspiring read if you have 4 minutes.

Aug. 7 [1982]
“Dear Loyal,
I hope you’ll forgive me for this, but I’ve been wanting to write you ever since we talked on the phone. I am aware of the strain you are under and believe with all my heart there is help for that.
First I want to tell you of a personal experience I’ve kept to myself for a long time. During my first year as Governor you’ll recall the situation I found in Calif. was almost as bad as the one in Wash. today. It seemed as if the problems were endless and insolvable.
Then I found myself with an ulcer. In all those years at Warner Bros., no one had been able to give me an ulcer and I felt ashamed as if it were a sign of weakness on my part. John Sharpe had me on Malox and I lived with a constant pain that ranged from discomfort to extremely sharp attacks.
This went on for months. I had a bottle of Maalox in my desk, my briefcase and of course at home. Then one morning I got up, went into the bathroom, reached for the bottle as always and some thing happened. I knew I didn’t need it. I had gone to bed with the usual pain the night before but I knew that morning I was healed. The Malox went back on the shelf.
That morning when I arrived at the office Helene brought me my mail. The first letter I opened was from a lady — a stranger — in the Southern part of the state. She had written to tell me she was one of a group who met every day to pray for me. Believe it or not, the second letter was from a man, again a stranger, in the other end of the state telling me he was part of a group that met weekly to pray for me.
Within the hour a young fellow from the legal staff came into my office on some routine matter. On the way out he paused in the door and said: “Gov. I think maybe you’d like to know — some of us on the staff come in early every morning and get together to pray for you.”
Coincidence? I don’t think so. A couple of weeks later Nancy and I went down to L.A. and had our annual checkup. John Sharpe, a little puzzled, told me I no longer had an ulcer but added there was no indication I’d ever had one. Word of honor — I never told him about that particular day in Sacramento.
There is a line in the bible — “Where ever two or more are gathered in my name there will I be also.”
Loyal I know of your feeling — your doubt but could I just impose on you a little longer? Some seven hundred years before the birth of Christ the ancient Jewish prophets predicted the coming of a Messiah. They said he would be born in a lowly place, would proclaim himself the Son of God and would be put to death for saying that.
All in all there were a total of one hundred and twenty three specific prophesys about his life all of which came true. Crucifixion was unknown in those times, yet it was foretold that he would be nailed to a cross of wood. And one of the predictions was that he would be born of a Virgin.
Now I know that is probably the hardest for you as a Dr. to accept. The only answer that can be given is — a miracle. But Loyal I don’t find that as great a miracle as the actual history of his life. Either he was who he said he was or he was the greatest faker & charlatan who ever lived. But would a liar & faker suffer the death he did when all he had to do to save himself was admit he’d been lying?
The miracle is that a young man of 30 yrs. without credentials as a scholar or priest began preaching on street corners. He owned nothing but the clothes on his back & he didn’t travel beyond a circle less than one hundred miles across. He did this for only 3 years and then was executed as a common criminal.
But for two thousand years he has ... had more impact on the world than all the teachers, scientists, emperors, generals and admirals who ever lived, all put together.
The apostle John said, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believed in him would not perish but have everlasting life.”
We have been promised that all we have to do is ask God in Jesus name to help when we have done all we can — when we’ve come to the end of our strength and abilities and we’ll have that help. We only have to trust and have faith in his infinite goodness and mercy.
Loyal, you and Edith have known a great love — more than many have been permitted to know. That love will not end with the end of this life. We’ve been promised this is only a part of life and that a greater life, a greater glory awaits us. It awaits you together one day and all that is required is that you believe and tell God you put yourself in his hands.
Love Ronnie”

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What Can God and You Do Together?

“Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17

“Believe in yourself—that you, even you, can do some of the work which He would like done, and that unless you do it, it will remain undone. How are you to begin? As Christ did. First, He looked at the city; then He wept over it; then He died for it.

Where are you to begin? Begin where you are. Make that one corner, room, house, office, as like heaven as you can....Abolish whatever worketh abomination—in food, in drink, in luxury, in books, in art; whatsoever maketh a lie in conversation, in social intercourse, in correspondence, in domestic life....Heaven lies within, in kindness, in humbleness, in unselfishness, in faith, in love, in service. To get these in, get Christ in. Teach it not as a doctrine, but as a discovery, as your own discovery. Live your own discovery.” H.Drummond

You and Christ have a purpose, a mission to accomplish. Your skills, age, intellect, or resources are not as important as your availability. God works through people. While you should pray for the needs of others, if you have the ability to meet their need, do it. Start today as a day of discovery. Approach today as an opportunity to work with Jesus Christ in the furtherance of His kingdom. It can include prayer, service, showing His compassion and love to others, or it may be a day you just praise and worship Him with a heart of thanksgiving. Whatever the day has for you, consecrate it to Him. Be His instrument in this lost world to bring Jesus to someone who doesn’t know Him.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Be a Faithful Witness

”Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of life.” Acts 5:20
“Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord.” II Timothy 1:8

“Some years ago, during a revival meeting, a very timid lady felt moved to go and speak to a couple of young men whom she saw in the back of the church. It was a great cross to her to do it, but in the name of Him who had worn the crown of thorns for her, she arose and started. When she came to them, and began to talk about Jesus, they burst out laughing in her face. Utterly crushed and humiliated to the lowest degree, she went back to her seat and sat down in sorry. She felt her mission had failed, and resolved that she would never again speak to anybody about salvation. It happened that those two young men were room-mates. In the small hours of the night, one of them heard the other sobbing.

‘What’s the matter, Ed? Are you sick?’ He asked.
‘No, but I despise myself for the way I insulted that dear old lady. It was a dreadfully hard thing for her to come to us as she did, but she wanted to do us good; and to think that I was mean enough to laugh in her face makes me hate myself.’
‘That’s just my case exactly,’ responded the first speaker. ‘My heart looks blacker to me than it ever did before. I wish I were a Christian.’

It wasn’t long until those boys crawled out of bed and began to have a prayer meeting. The result was they were both converted before morning, and they have remained that way ever since.”

The little old lady who was laughed at the night before was made almost too happy to live the next day when she learned the news. We need to be faithful witnesses for Christ regardless of the initial reaction of those to whom we speak. Our job is to witness and leave the results to God.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Called by His Name

Most of us know the story of Peter’s denial of the Lord Jesus Christ the night He was arrested. Peter had earlier pledged his undying loyalty to Jesus, yet Jesus knew what Peter was going to do. Peter did in fact deny Jesus three times. How often have we felt the same shame and disappointment in letting our Lord down. Perhaps you failed to witness, remained silent when you should have spoken up for Him, or you participated in an event that was not pleasing to Him. Like Peter, you may have felt you should just go back to fishing and giving up. There is good news today that applies to us when we examine how Jesus dealt with Peter after the resurrection.

“He (Jesus) called Simon, the penitent, by his own name. Since that night of his denial of his Lord, when he had wept bitterly, one wonders whether Simon Peter would ever be fit to do anything but go back to his fishing. And it was while at the fishing that the Master found him. And then came the words, ‘Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me...?’ His name, and a search for his love! Surely only love  could hunger after love in another....That name from those lips could also mean only forgiveness and another chance. Christian brethren, have you gone back a-fishing? Have you let the Lord down so badly that you can hardly forgive yourself? If so, you need to listen for that name of yours spoken by the voice you can never forget. He calls His own sheep, His erring sheep, the one who knows he is a failure. He calls you by name and that means He has forgiven. You have another chance as a wiser sheep.”

Dear friend, have you erred in your walk with the Lord? If so, know He is calling you by name to return to Him. He will forgive and restore that which was broken. Don’t delay. Don’t give the enemy another day of victory. Are you listening?

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Word Necessary to Prayer

“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” John 15:7

There is a connection between the Word of God and a successful prayer life. Prayers are only answered which are in harmony with the revealed will of God. God’s Word is His will. A knowledge of the Bible will often bring to our recollection appropriate promises, and thus enable us to pray with faith and confidence.

Abiding in Christ and feeding upon His Word will lead to a Christ-like walk, which will assure our hearts before God. One of the essentials of a holy walk is knowing God’s will and being obedient. We know from the Scriptures, that obedience is better than sacrifice. We must take time to be holy. It’s not the quantity of what you read, but the time spent studying and meditating on what you read. The Bible is a rich book full of the truths you need to follow Him.

“What would He think of me
  If when I saw Him, I should say,
  ‘I was too busy every day
   To read what Thou didst write to me;
  I really hadn’t time for Thee.’”

If you want an effective and enjoyable prayer life, start with reading the Word of God. Meditate upon it. Get Jesus’ Words in you. This is not some eastern practice of emptying the mind. To meditate means to mumble. Speak the word and think about what you are saying. Use this practice as a springboard to talk to Him who is the lover of your soul. Jesus is waiting for you to talk with Him today. Not hurriedly as in a duty to check the box, but to develop and grow your relationship with Him.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

2nd Bible Study: The Prophet’s Perplexity

Tomorrow’s Study examines some difficult questions. Issues that have been studied for centuries. “Why do the righteous suffer, and the wicked prosper? Shall the wicked prevail over the righteous? Why does God allow the wicked to continue to have their way?” Our text of Study comes from the Old Testament book of Habakkuk. Habakkuk was a prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah. While Judah had been more faithful than the northern kingdom of Israel, it still had fallen into wickedness. God was going to use a heathen nation to chastise His people because of their disobedience.

In Habakkuk chapter 1, the prophet complains that his own nation (God’s chosen people) would be destroyed for its wickedness, by a nation (Chaldeans) that was more wicked than they. Habakkuk could not see the justice of such a thing. God’s answer was that He had a purpose in the terrorizing conquests of the Chaldean army. In chapter 2, the prophet acknowledges that Judah deserved punishment for its sins, but he wanted more explanation. God responds that the Chaldean power, in its turn, would be destroyed and that God’s people would fill the earth.

It is difficult sometimes to wait when God is silent. However, we need to have trust that justice delayed is not justice forgotten. Just because God did not punish the wicked immediately, did not mean that He would be silent forever. The commentator Dr. Adam Clarke wrote: “When judgment doth not proceed from the seat of judgment upon the earth, it will infallibly go forth from the throne of judgment in heaven.” In chapter 2 verse 14, it states: “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” God is telling us that while evil may abound for a while, it will not prevail. Note the verse says that the earth, not heaven, shall be filled. While things may look bad, evil may be abounding, but we have faith and confidence that our God will not allow evil to win forever. There is a time where righteousness shall be exalted.

We are to stand on the promises, “We shall not die (1:12).” God is holy and pure and will not let sin prevail or go unpunished. No matter what the world looks like, God is not shaken. He is not confused and He has not lost any of His power! Shall wicked forever rule? No; in due time God will publish His reply, but the full end is not here yet.

Final thoughts;
1. God allows the righteous to suffer and the wicked to prevail but only temporarily.
2. The postponement of God’s justice is not the final word.
3. God will not allow wrong to rule forever.
4. The earth will see the results of God’s hand of judgment on the wicked because God’s knowledge of the glory will fill it.
5. No matter what circumstances may look like, we are to look to the Word of God and be comforted. God will not abandon us. He will see us through.

Next week, chapter 3: The Prophet’s Praise.
Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for this week, one of the stories is from Rev. Wayne Stracener. I knew Bro. Stracener personally. He was a testimony to holy living for Jesus Christ.

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Cure for Anxiety

”To be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Romans 8:6
“To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna.” Revelation 2:17

“Overcoming the world implies overcoming a state of worldly anxiety. You know there is a state of great carefulness and anxiety which is common and almost universal among worldly people. It is perfectly natural if the heart is set upon securing worldly good, and has not learned to receive all good from the hand of a great Father and trust Him to give or withhold with His own unerring wisdom. But he who loves the world is the enemy of God, and hence can never have this filial trust in a parental Benefactor, nor the peace of soul which it imparts. Hence worldly people are almost incessantly in a fever of anxiety lest their worldly schemes should fail. They sometimes get a momentary relief when all things seem to go well; but some mishap is sure to befall them at some point soon, so that scarce a day passes that brings not with it some corroding anxiety.Their bosoms are like the troubled sea which cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.

But the person who gets above the world gets above this state of ceaseless and corroding anxiety....Those who are under the control of the world, of course have not overcome the world. No person overcomes the world till the heart is imbued with the spirit of heaven.” C.G. Finney

I have seen people in business and ministry that live lives of anxiety. If things go well, it’s “praise Jesus!” If things go poorly, it’s a variety of statements that range from negative speak to cursing. These are examples of people who have not absolutely surrendered their all to Jesus Christ. I have written about entire consecration, i.e. complete abandonment to God, as a condition of entire sanctification. We live in perilous times with evil abounding all around us. If you want to the cure for anxiety, it begins with surrendering your all to Jesus Christ and then trusting the one you have surrendered to. The more we feel the burden of being in charge, the more anxiety you will experience when troubles come. However, when I know in whom I have believed, and my trust is in Him, I can face today with the assurance that He will carry me through. I will have the victory, not because of me, but because of Him! And that, is a cure for anxiety!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Blessing of Uncertainty

“And he went out, not knowing whither he went.” Heb. 11:8
“It doth not yet appear what we shall be.” 1 John 3:2

“We are apt to look upon uncertainty as a bad thing, because we are all too mathematical and common sense. The nature of spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty, consequently we do not make our ‘nests’ anywhere spiritually....G.K. Chesterton, that insurgent writer, pronounces all certainties ‘dead certainties.’”

Oswald Chambers wrote: “All through the Bible the realm of the uncertain is the realm of joy and delight; the certainty of belief brings distress. Certainty of God means uncertainty in life; while certainty in belief makes us uncertain of God. Certainty is the mark of the common-sense life; gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life, and they must both go together. ‘It is not yet made manifest what we shall be’—we are gloriously uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God. Immediately we abandon to God and do the duty that lies nearest, He packs our lives with surprises all the time....All certainty brings death to something....We cannot corner God or spiritual life....’Except ye become as little children...’ A child is certain of its parents, but uncertain about everything else, therefore it lives a perfectly delightful healthy life.”

We enjoy certainty. It makes us comfortable. In some areas certainty is good. I love my wife and it is certainly a blessing to have her as a constant in my life. I like the certainty of knowing we have a source of income that we can through work and effort produce finances. However, in the spiritual realm, we must be open to uncertainty. God is not finished with us. You may be saved and sanctified, but He still wants to stretch you to new heights in Him. I’m so thankful that in the spring of 1976, God stretched an 80+ year old holiness preacher Rev. J. Herbert Norton to start a ministry right across from the College of William and Mary. God would use him to sew seeds into my life that led me to preach Scriptural holiness across the USA and in India. It would have very easy for Rev. Norton to have said, “I’m too old to start a new ministry especially without funding.” Yet, God moved him to a place of uncertainty and I am living fruit of his ministry.

As you read this, ask God to move you out of certainty into uncertainty in your spiritual life. Let Him challenge and direct you to what He wants you to do. Be a child.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Having the Christ-mind In You

”For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” 1 Cor. 2:16
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 2:5

You can have the mind of Christ when He has entered into us; when the mind of the old Adam, the covetous mind that wants to be something, has been condemned and deprived of its rights that it may be put to death on the cross. Having the mind of Christ will transform you every day. When He has taken possession of us it gives us an inner contentment with the way God leads us. All worry over our own way and will is ended. “I delight to do Thy will, O my God” becomes the watchword of a soul that is filled with the mind of Christ. Whatever you do, you do to the glory of God. Whether you are in the laundry, washing dishes, planting in the garden, or the head of a business, it will be transfigured into holy divine service.

As you approach your day, regardless of your planned activities, life happens and sometimes these events can be unsettling. Having the mind of Christ empowers you to deal with these unsettling events with the peace of God. The old saying WWJD (what would Jesus do?), is still an excellent approach to life. Having the mind of Christ gives you peace, comfort and assurance that all is well. You can look at circumstances, or you can look to the Word of God. The mind of Christ would look to the Word because Jesus is the Word. (John 1:1) This is not a fatalistic mindset. This is a Christ mindset. Since Christ lives in me, I can do all things through Him. Since Christ lives in me, I am more than a conqueror. Since Christ lives in me, no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

We all have a choice when it comes to how we approach dealing with the issues of life. The mind of Christ will put you over, but the mind of Adam will be self defeating. Your move.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Christian Joy

“And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost.” Acts 13:52
“And ye...received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost.” 1 Thessalonians 1:6

There many joy texts in the Bible. They serve to encourage us and give us hope. They are like diamonds in the rough. Mrs. S.L. Brengle stated: “Then take more time, and find out whether or not the joy of these Bible people matches yours. If not, why not? If you go grumbling where they are praising, if you are meeting persecution, trials, hardships, privations, necessities, sorrows, with grit, dogged endurance, a sense of hard duty, or anything except the grace and joy of the Holy Spirit, with all the perfect fruits of righteousness, which the Spirit produces, you can’t spend the rest of your time any better than in getting on praising ground. Get filled with the Spirit, and you must, you will, rejoice at all times.”

Her husband S.L. Brengle added: “As lilies of the valley pour forth perfume, so good hearts pour forth thanksgiving. No mercy is too small to provoke it, no trial to severe to restrain it. As Samson got honey from the carcass of the lion he slew, and as Moses got water from the flinty rock, so the pure in heart are possessed of a sort of heavenly alchemy, a divine secret by which they get blessing out of all things, and for which there is giving of thanks.”

Do these statements describe your experience in the face of trouble, persecution or hardships? They can if you follow the advice: be filled with the Spirit. Being filled with the Spirit describes an ongoing process of replenishing yourself spiritually. You receive salvation through faith; you are entirely sanctified by faith once you have died out to yourself, but then you are to be continually filled with the Holy Ghost to keep your experience up to date. We are to be constantly coming before the Lord Jesus Christ and asking Him to fill us again! More and more until we are overflowing with Him! When we do that, our joy will be showing!

Monday, July 8, 2019

Strengthened through Testings

“We glory in tribulation also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience hope.” Romans 5:3,4
“God left him, to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart.” II Chron. 32:31

“A gentleman once asked George Muller how to have strong faith, and that mighty man of God, whose faith has for many years been a world-wide marvel, replied:’The only way to learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings.’” James made the same statement when he wrote: ”Count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations.” Why? “Knowing this, that the trial of your faith worketh patience.” You will perfect your faith through testings.

The Christian walk is like riding a bicycle; you are either pedaling forward or coasting backward. There is no standing still on a bike. If you desire your faith to increase, do not shrink from opportunities where your faith may be tried. Even sanctified believers will have trials of faith, and I suspect even more trials, because they are hungering and thirsting for more of God. The sanctified life is not a life of ease. It is a life of prayer and service. No matter the age or health of the believer, we must press on trusting God more and more.

As struggles and challenges arise, and they will, we should see each event as a stepping stone or opportunity to strengthen our faith by clinging to the Word of God, both the person of Jesus and the Holy Scriptures. We take comfort that He is with us and in us, and that will increase your faith!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Heart Hunger for Holiness

“One of the very most important Scriptural prerequisites to obtaining a truly sanctified heart is soul hunger.... In a camp meeting service preached about 1960, Dr. L.B. Hicks told his audience:
‘If you get hungry enough you’ll die out...and if you don’t get hungry enough for it, you’re not going to die out....If you get hungry enough you’re going to set your will to get it....You’ll get sanctified if you get your mind made up...drape over a mourner’s bench like an owl over a tomb stone on a wet night at midnight. Stay there till the last nail’s driven and the epitaph’s cut on the tomb of the Old Man!’”

Sheridan Baker when seeking a pure heart stated: “My hungering and thirsting after righteousness now became so intense that I could do nothing but pray for a clean heart....There can be no true trust or soul rest while there is anything in the heart contrary to love, or any sense of impurity.” Records show that many of John Wesley’s preachers in the early days of the Holiness Movement, followed Mr. Wesley’s advice to “groan after holiness.” It seems that the modern holiness movement has ceased to groan after the experience, and in my opinion this has resulted in a shallow copy of the real experience of entire sanctification.

Mr. David Uptegraph, a Friend’s minister in describing his search for a clean heart, said the following:
“I hated pride, ambition, evil tempers, and vain thoughts, but I had them, for all that, and they were a part of me. Not as acts to be repented of and forgiven, but as dispositions lying behind the acts, and promptings thereto, natural to the ‘Old Man’ and inseparable from his presence in my being. I began to ask God, with a measure of faith, to ‘cast him out.’ Along with this desire there came a great hunger and thirst to be ‘filled with all the fullness of God.’ I longed for a clean heart and constant spirit.”

This Sunday morning, what are you hungry for? Do you truly seek a holy heart? If you have one, testify to what God has done for you. If you don’t have a holy heart, commit yourself to earnestly seek until you know the work has been done.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

1st Bible Study: Nineveh is Cut Off

Tomorrow, we begin the first lesson on our quarterly Bible studies. We are looking at the book of Nahum. Nahum was a prophet to Judah. Remember that Israel was divided after King Solomon into two divisions: ten tribes called Israel and two tribes called Judah. As a general rule, the tribes making up Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. They were taken into captivity by the Assyrians. Sometime later, Judah which generally did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, had some bad leadership and they were taken captive by the Babylonians.

Nahum’s name means “compassionate” or “comforter.” The words of Nahum were to bring comfort to the people of God. One of the themes of the book is that God will not overlook the heartless brutality of the Assyrians. Verse 2 provides a very important lesson, “God is jealous, and the Lord revengeth; the Lord revengeth, and is furious; the Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.” The first question to consider is it ever right to try and get even? My answer is a resounding, No! Over the years I have had people come against me ministerial and professionally. When I took no steps to exact vengeance, I have watched them one by one receive the vengeance from the Lord which was far more intense than anything I could have exacted. Just because the Lord does not move quick, it doesn’t mean He isn’t moving.

In verse 14, God pronounces the sentence of judgment on the mighty Assyria:”And the Lord hath given a commandment concerning thee (God is talking to Assyria), that no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the graven image and the molten image: I will make thy grave; for thou art vile.” The Lord speaks very strong words to the Assyrians. And, the Assyrians turn back and the people of God are rescued. The commentator A. Barnes commented:”God chooses the last moment of the triumph of the wicked, when he is flushed by his success, and the last of the helplessness of the righteous, when his hope can be in the Lord alone, to exchange their lots.”

My final thoughts:
1. Don’t take revenge.
2. Don’t look at the strength of the adversary, look to the power of the Lord.
3. Don’t look at your circumstances, look at the Word of God.
4. Don’t look at your watch or a calendar because God moves in his time table not yours.

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon stories! They surely blessed me! Next week, “The Prophet’s Perplexity.”

Friday, July 5, 2019

Evidences of Perfect Love

As an earlier blog post stated, there are several names used to describe the same experience of having one’s heart cleansed from inbred sin, carnality, or the old man. Today, we use the term perfect love. This is not absolute perfection, but instead, it refers to a state where you love God with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself. There is nothing in your heart that hinders you from such love. From J.A.Wood’s, “Perfect Love,” we read the following regarding the character of the evidence of entire sanctification:

“It is just as strong, positive, and reliable as can be given to substantiate any fact. Indeed it is the very strongest of all evidence.
1. The testimony of consciousness. This testimony we can no more doubt than we can doubt our existence. No testimony is more certain than this. By it we know we live and breathe, love or hate, sit or stand, or walk, and that we are joyful or sorrowful, happy or wretched.
2. The testimony of God—‘The witness of the Spirit.’ This testimony is divine, direct, and positive. The Holy Ghost is the witnessing Spirit.”

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church described how you could know you were sanctified wholly: “I can know it no otherwise than I know that I am justified. ‘Hereby know we that we are of God,’ in either sense, ‘by the Spirit that he hath given us.’ We know it by the witness and by the fruit of the Spirit.”

If you are entirely sanctified you will have an inner witness from the Holy Spirit that the divine work has been done. Do you have the witness? Has the work been done?

Thursday, July 4, 2019

A Glaring Need

“One of the most glaring needs we have today is for the manifestation of real purpose that becomes an obsession in the lives of professed Christian people, whether it is revealed in a call to the ministry or mission field, or the simple Spirit-filled life of a devoted layman. The lack of the manifestation of real Christian purpose in life is a condemning indictment against Christian Homes and churches today. Because people, especially parents, have been too taken up with the materialistic aspect of life (money, cars, houses, furniture, the struggle to make ends meet, etc.) the emphasis in a Spirit-filled and directed life has been neglected (the lips have spoken one thing and the life another) until the seed of a real spiritual purpose in life has not been planted in the hearts of our youth.”

Can we stem the tide of materialism, the lukewarmness of the church and return to a Bible centered spirituality? Yes, we can! However, we need to return to our roots of the Christian Faith. The emphasis must not just be a mental acquisition of truth, the truth must be seen in our actions. In Hebrew (and remember Jesus was born and raised a Jew), to know something meant that you had acquired knowledge and that knowledge impacted your actions. Too many today know about “holiness” but it doesn’t show in their lives. We need men and women of God to die out to self, materialism and greed, and surrender their all to Christ and keep seeking until the fire falls.

The American revivalist, Charles Finney, was saved praying in the woods. The same evening, in his own home, he received a mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit cleansing and filling him with life and power. If you are saved, do not delay in seeking the experience of holiness. Pay the price, die out to self, surrender all, make a complete consecration and have faith in the promises of God to sanctify you. Don’t act in presumption because the Holy Spirit will provide you the witness of the Spirit that the work has been done. Then, you will be part of the answer to the glaring need of the church.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Hindrances to Obtaining the Blessing of Holiness

Do you struggle to walk in holiness? Do you find that the things you want to do you don’t do them? Or, are there things you don’t want to do but you do them anyway? That is what the Apostle Paul describes in the book of Romans chapter 7. Please read that chapter and see the life Paul describes. However, praise God, in chapter 8 there is victory over that mixed way of life. Mixed in that the Paul of chapter 7 is not entirely sanctified. He battles a carnal heart. Know today that through the blood of Jesus Christ, in faith you can have that carnal heart eradicated. Today, we review two main hindrances to walking in holiness.

The first hindrance is imperfect consecration. Before a doctor can cure a patient, the patient must place himself in the doctor’s care. He submits to the doctor’s advice. He takes the medicine the doctor  prescribes. Before a captain can navigate a passenger across the ocean, the passenger must get on board the ship and stay there. In the same way, if you would have God cleanse your heart, if you would have Him curd your sin sick soul, if you would have Him navigate you through this life into eternity, you put yourself fully into His hands and stay there. You must do what He tells you to do. You must be completely and 100% consecrated or dedicated to Him. Anything less will be a hindrance to you walking in holiness.

The second hindrance is imperfect faith. You must have faith that the Word of God promises your entire sanctification. Jesus prayed for you to be sanctified (John 17:17). Paul said it was the will of God for you to be sanctified (1Thessalonians 4:3) and he prayed that you would be sanctified wholly or entirely (1Thessalonians 5:23). The writer of Hebrews said we were to go outside the gate and bear His reproach (Hebrews 13:13). Peter said we were to be holy because God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). Your faith must be based on truth, not emotion. It must be based on the Word of God not the experience of others. While the testimony of others can be helpful, ultimately it is faith in the promises of God that will take you into the promised land of holiness.

“Holiness is a great blessing. It is the renewal of the whole man in the image of Jesus. It is the utter destruction of all hatred, envy, malice, impatience, covetousness, pride, lust, fear of man, love of ease, love of human admiration and applause, love of splendor, shame of the Cross, self-will and the like.” Now that is true liberty and freedom.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Dying to Depravity

By depravity, I refer to the “old man,” the carnal heart, or as some call it, the bent toward sin. A.W. Tower said, “We must do something about the cross, and there’s only one of two things we can do—flee it or die upon it!” It is possible to have merely a “head-route” instead of a “heart-route.” You will never break through with just an intellectual understanding of holiness. Many have fallen into this snare and settled for a knowledge of heart holiness without ever receiving the experience in their hearts.

Dr. A.M Hills explained the deeper meaning of the crucified self: “When we have thus given ourselves to God we are our own no longer. When the Israelite brought an offering, he surrendered all claims to it. So with the Christian consecrating for the blessing. He surrenders all claim to himself. Intellect, will, affections, desires, possessions, influence—all are God’s and are never again to be taken off the altar.”

In seeking heart holiness, faith must be involved all the way through the process. However, real faith will only operate to bring the final victory when we are willing to take the carnal self all the way to its execution. Rev. H.B. Huffman said the following: “You told them to take it by faith, and it is faith. You can’t get anywhere without faith. You can’t get started without faith. You can put your head against that steel post and beat it until you are blind, and you can’t get anywhere without faith. But I want to tell you, when you pay the full price, your faith, like a thermostat on the wall, will drop into position, and you’ll know you’ve got the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord.”

Has your old man been crucified? Has your carnal heart been made pure? Have you paid the price? Or, have you just intellectually received “holiness?”

Monday, July 1, 2019

Death to Carnal Self

In a “death-route” commitment to end our carnal self, i.e. the crucifixion of our old man, Jesus Christ is our chosen champion! Luke 9:51 says: “And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem.” Jesus Christ, “...poured out his soul unto death....” Isaiah 53:11,12 We are told also to go outside the camp (this means the place of crucifixion) and bear his approach. Hebrews 13:13 The disciple is to follow his master. The Christian life is not promised to be a “bed of roses.”

“In the day in which we live there is great emphasis in the churches on ‘works,’ and great stress on ‘faith,’ but neither the Father, nor the Son, nor the Holy Ghost will be fully satisfied until we have poured out ourselves unto death. Not as martyrs: that will not do it. Not as a sacrifice for sins! There is no efficacy in our blood. But, instead, DEATH TO CARNAL SELF SIMPLY MEANS THAT ALL RESISTANCE TO THE TOTAL CLAIMS OF JESUS CHRIST OVER OUR LIVES BE REMOVED FROM OUR HEARTS. Ours is not an atoning death, or a meritorious sacrifice, but a voluntary submitting to the total crucifixion of carnal, willful self, and the enthronement of Jesus Christ over facet of our earthly existence.”

Do you trust Jesus Christ enough to have total control over every part of your life? Your career, your future, your direction? If not, what part of your life do you think you could do a better job than He?