Saturday, May 14, 2022

5-14-2022 Devotion: Categories Part 3

 Today, we look at the third category of prayer:

3. Prayer of Commitment:  The prayer of commitment taken from 1 Peter 5:7: "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. The word "casting" means to cast, to throw or cast upon. The tense of the participle “cast” is aorist and that means it is characterized by its emphasis on simple or singular action in the past.  In plain English this means that it is a definite act. You could write it down on a calendar; you could remember the date each year as an anniversary. It is not a general, "I know it all will work out some day" attitude. To get a visual of this process, one could imagine someone fishing on the side of a lake. The person holds his or her rod and casts the line into the middle of the lake. Now the illustration ends here because in real life, the person fishing reels the line back to the place of casting. We are going to cast and cut. We cast or roll over our cares to the Lord and then we "cut the line" and never have to receive them back again. This type of prayer is a release of those burdens that attempt to weigh us down and prevent us from following the Lord.

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