Tuesday, May 17, 2022

5-17-2022 Devotion: Attitude

 Today, we will begin looking at the proper attitude in prayer.  “Attitude” has been defined as a state of mind or a feeling; a disposition. An appreciation of what is occurring during prayer will assist one to understand the proper attitude to be practiced. Some see prayer as a time to manipulate God into fixing their respective dilemmas. If the correct words are said often enough, God will be compelled to answer according to the dictates of the one praying. This approach fails to achieve the correct attitude in prayer.  When we approach the Creator of the Universe, we are to have an attitude of yielding to His sovereign will. As stated by one scholar: “the Hebrew prays that his heart will be transformed in such a way that he will be fully prepared to accept what God has to offer.” This conflicts with the practice of many to pray without personal introspection. We should always remember to whom we are praying. Coram Deo is the Latin phrase that means "before the face of God." The proper attitude in prayer is a respectful, humble and submissive approach because of Whom we stand before. Let us never forget who He is.

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