Monday, May 30, 2022

5-30-2022 Devotion: Promises Day 6

 “Come unto me, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)  The Lord Jesus Christ has the authority to invite people to Himself. He does not extend His invitation to the strong but to the weary and burdened. Jesus uses the language of the wisdom tradition, calling the burdened to Himself as the incarnate wisdom of God. The strong don't need the Lord, it is the lost sinner that needs Him. This is not about a promise of ease of life. No, this is about receiving spiritual rest from your labor to try and make yourself right with God. Some will take this Scripture out of context to say, "Come to Jesus and you will have it easy." There are some groups that practice legalism in an effort to earn their favor and rest with God. It won't work. Those people are left alone, "to go to hell for their trouble." We are to see ourselves as lost broken worthless sinners, and hear Christ's call to come to Him. If you hear that call, respond immediately and enter into His spiritual rest. 

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