Saturday, May 21, 2022

5-21- 2022 Devotion: More Purpose of Prayer

 One of the purposes of prayer is for us to understand the nature and character of who God is. This purpose includes God’s provision to carry out His work on earth. For example, God demonstrated His “awesome capacity to help” in response to the prayers of George Muller. Muller received and disbursed $2,718,844 by the time of his death in 1898, primarily using the money for supporting the orphanages and distributing nearly two million Bibles and religious texts. He used the money to support other missionaries around the world, such as Hudson Taylor. Through all this, Muller never made requests for financial support, nor did he go into debt. Many times, he received unsolicited food donations only hours before they were needed to feed the children, further strengthening his faith in God. Every morning after breakfast there was a time of Bible reading and prayer, and every child was given a Bible upon leaving the orphanage. The children were dressed well and educated and Muller even employed a school inspector to maintain high standards. Muller understood that God was his source and through prayer, the needs of the ministry were satisfied. 

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