Sunday, May 15, 2022

5-15-2022 : Corporate Prayer

 Today, we look at the fourth category of prayer:

4. Corporate Prayer: Peter and John were arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin to answer the charges that they were preaching in Jesus' name. They were threatened and commanded not to speak of Jesus again. They refused to obey the authorities because they were in conflict with God's Word and were subsequently released. The prayer offered for them is an example of corporate prayer: they confess God's Sovereignty; they confess God's Creations; they confess God's Providence; they confess that Jesus is God's servant and holy; they ask for boldness to preach God's Word; and they ask for God to heal and perform miracles though the Name of Jesus. It is interesting to note what they did not pray for: that they would be delivered; that they would have an easier way of life; that they would have special purpose; and that they would have their best life now.  Their prayer was for the furtherance of the kingdom of God and not their personal kingdoms. The result: the place was shaken and they were filled again with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God boldly (this was an answer to their prayer). As in all prayer, corporate prayer should be about the kingdom of God and the furtherance of His purposes not ours.

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