Sunday, May 8, 2022

5-8-2022 Devotion: Your Tongue

 Our mouths can get us in such trouble. A physical bruise will heal in a few days, but an ill word can leave a permanent scar. The tongue is small but deadly. It is good to pray for your tongue. May your words glorify God and be a blessing to others. 

Prayer for Our (My) Tongue

Blessed are You Lord God, Creator of heaven and earth;

You have created me with a tongue, 

One to speak good but it often speaks evil.

We are tempted to gossip, backbite and speak mischief.

Forgive us dear God for allowing our tongues 

To bless You and then curse those made in Your image.

We find it hard to control our tongues;

Sometimes we do not want to control our tongues;

Yet Your grace is sufficient to control our tongues;

We surrender our tongues to You; set a guard over our mouths.

We ask You to forgive our sins of speech

And cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Let us be slow to speak and quick to listen;

Let us work twice as much as we talk.

Let our mouths praise You, Bless You and 

Comfort and exhort our brethren.

In Your Name we pray,


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