Saturday, May 7, 2022

5-7-2022 Devotion: Praying for Your Family

 Today, we look at praying for your wife and children. The prayer for your "Ezer" is specifically for the wife. One day I will write a prayer for wives to pray for their husbands. Our family needs our prayers. The world is doing all it can do to steal our children. God wants us to stand firm in the faith and pray.

Prayer for My Ezer

Blessed be your Name Lord God

Who has not left me alone

But has blessed me with an ezer

To be my equal and my partner in life.

Help me to understand the role of my ezer

That I do not hinder or interfere with her God-given purpose.

Help me to encourage her as she walks in obedience to her calling

Given to her by You in Your Divine wisdom.

My ezer is strong and full of courage,

She is a mighty woman of God like Deborah,

She prays like Hannah,

And has the strength of Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah.

This day I affirm my delight in my ezer

She is my love and my joy.

I thank You Lord God for her blessing my life.

Amen and Amen.

Prayer for Children

Blessed Redeemer, may my children today have Your blessings and protection;

Give each one of them a heart to follow You.

Guard them from the enemy and direct their paths to Your righteousness;

Guide them with Your loving hand that they may follow You closely today.

May my sons be like Ephraim and Manasseh and

My daughters like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah.

Keep watch over them I pray,

In Yeshua’s Name.


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