Thursday, May 5, 2022

5-5-2022 Devotion: Affirmation

 Today, we look at the "Prayer of Affirmation." This is not some prosperity gospel "name it claim it." This is a prayer that acknowledges who God is and what He has done for us. Speak the words from a grateful heart.

Prayer of Affirmation

Blessed are You Lord God

There is No God like unto You

Your mercy, grace and forgiveness

Is from everlasting to everlasting.

From the depths of our hearts

We praise and worship you with all that is within us.

You have been our fortress, our refuge, and our deliverer.

We confess our shortcomings, failures, and sins 

And admit that they are no way to thank You

For the goodness You have shown us.

We praise and adore You

That Your Torah (Bible) is true.

Your forgiveness and cleansing power knows no end.

We thank You for deliverance and protection.

May We live every day, every hour, every minute,

Every second to glorify You.

In the name of Yeshua, we pray.

Amen and amen. (Saying something twice in Hebrew means you are emphasizing its importance).

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