Sunday, May 22, 2022

5-22-2022 Devotion: More Purpose

 We continue looking at the purpose of prayer. The Lord’s Prayer as taught by the Lord Jesus Christ provides us with a model to identify God’s purposes for His children to seek in prayer. Jesus was a Jew, read the Jewish Scriptures, and it can be inferred that He prayed in the method of first century rabbis. His instruction to His disciples would have encompassed a methodology of prayer that was Hebraic. This is consistent with the explanations of the attitude and nature of prayer. As Christians, we should have a proper theology of prayer and it should include understanding prayer from a Hebrew perspective. Jewish prayers generally began with words like "Our Father which is in heaven." We should not quickly pass by these words. Let us stop for a few minutes today and think that you have a Father in heaven that cares for you. He provides your next breath and sustains your heartbeat. Thank Him today.

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