Wednesday, May 18, 2022

5-18-2022 Devotion: More Attitude

 Today, we continue with our study of the proper attitude in prayer. Another issue concerning the attitude of prayer involves the question of how often should one pray concerning a particular issue: faith versus persistence. For example, one might advocate based on Scripture, that when you pray believing you shall receive, you have received even without seeing the manifestation of the answer. Another might contend that one should keep praying or requesting until the answer is observable. One can see that when the proper attitude of introspection and submission is present, the difficulty disappears. When I pray, I believe I have received although what I have received may not be what I sought. In fact, the answer may represent something currently not capable of being understood. Further, I may pray with importunity (persistence) as I am to earnestly be in a place of self examination before God. As I seek God in prayer it is not inconsistent for me to believe that I have received something I may not yet understand while at the same time continue to seek God by further submitting myself in prayer until I do have comprehension. The key is that obedience precedes understanding; I am to obey regardless of my lack of understanding. Prayer is much more than what you are seeking. It is about your submission to God's perfect will and acknowledging His Sovereignty. The more time you spend in prayer, the less concerned you are over the thing you sought originally.

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