Friday, May 6, 2022

5-6-2022 Devotion: Surrender

 Today, we look at the prayer of surrender. This is a key to living a satisfying life under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As we surrender to Him, we rest in Him. As we rest in Him, we trust in Him. As we trust in Him, we surrender to Him. We live a life completely dependent on His grace and mercy. That is really your best life now!

Prayer of Surrender

Blessed are You Holy God

We now give our all to You,

Our bodies, souls, and minds together as one without division;

We give our time, talents, and families all to You.

We give our pasts, presents, and futures

All to You for guidance, forgiveness and safekeeping.

Whatever occurs to us today, we will trust in You.

Our very lives are in Your hands.

We thank You for the Torah.

You have provided truth to instruct us how to live for You.

Your ways are perfect.

May we walk in obedience to Your commands and bring Glory to Your Name.

It brings comfort to give our all to such a great God;

You are love. 

Yet, Your love for us remains a mystery.

May we show our love for You by studying and obeying the Torah.

Into Your Hands we commit our all

That Your name may be glorified.

Blessed be Yeshua.

In Your name I pray.

Amen and Amen.

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