Tuesday, May 3, 2022

5-3-2022 Devotion: He Will

 Psalm 62:11; "...power belongeth unto God." I think with so much fear, uncertainty, anger, frustration, and despair at every level these days on a local, national, and worldwide level, we need to recalibrate ourselves to the wonderful realty of the doctrine of God's Providence. It is a short and direct line from this important doctrine to how we live our lives and respond in difficult times. I would not want to leave the house, fly in a plane, drive my car, or go anywhere if I thought the outcome was left to chance. This is not fatalism. Fatalism believes things just occur randomly without any plan. That is the opposite of the doctrine of Divine Sovereignty. Sovereignty means that God is in charge. He will do as He wills and no person, thing, or devil can stop Him. I hope that gives you the comfort it gives me. I do not fear the economy right now. Many in my industry are in a doom and gloom mood. Not me, I trust the LORD! This is not a passive do nothing excuse to be lazy. To the contrary, believing in Divine Sovereignty encourages me to work as hard as I can and leave the results to Him.That is living a life of faith and it is good.

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