Sunday, May 29, 2022

5-29-2022 Devotion: Promises Day 5

 The Lord Jesus Christ taught: "Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and ye shall find: Knock, and it shall be opened to you." (Matthew 7: 7) This is a promise regarding answered prayer. The tense of the verbs is to keep asking, keep seeking, and to keep knocking. There is a parallel verse in Luke 13: 9-13. The Luke text states that if you keep asking, seeking and knocking, the Lord will not withhold the Holy Spirit from you. These verses can be taken out of context (and they usually are by prosperity teachers). This is not about asking for a new car, new job, a spouse, or a better life. Instead, the Lord Jesus Christ is telling us to keep seeking Him and if you do, you will receive salvation and the blessings of a Spirit-filled life. At a later time, I will discuss what a Spirit-filled life is, but for now, know that it is about you seeing yourself as a worthless sinner that all you do to contribute to your salvation is to bring your sin. When we understand the truth behind Bible promises, we can see how they are guaranteed. No one that comes to the Lord Jesus Christ will ever be cast away. Don't let cheap charlatans who want your money steal the truth behind these verses.

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