Tuesday, October 11, 2022

10-11-2022 Devotion: Control

 Isaiah 43: 13: “Also henceforth I am he; there is no one who can deliver from My hand; I work, and who can turn it back?” Before the first day of creation when time began and throughout all periods of history, God exists and manifests His will and purpose. no one . . . My hand. The Heb. behind this clause is identical with the comparable clause in Deut. 32:39. God’s actions are irreversible and can never end in frustration. God's plan and purposes will not be frustrated. If you think about this a while and you know you belong to Him, why should you worry? We worry when we think God is not in control. However, He is in control, so you have nothing to fear. The next time fear raises its head, remind it that nothing can frustrate God or stop His Plan from being manifested and that includes you!

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