Sunday, October 2, 2022

10-2-2022 Devotion: More Prayer

 We continue our study of some devotional writings from Andrew A Bonar. Bonar (1810-1882) was a minister in the United Kingdom. His devotional writings are very special to me. Today, we look at more on prayer part 3. Bonar wrote: "God likes to see His people shut up to this, that there is no hope but in prayer. Herein lies the Church's power against the world." :Fasting is abstaining from all that interferes with prayer." "It is a sign that the blessing is not at hand when God's people are not praying much." We need to be a people of prayer. Everyone agrees, but will there be corresponding action? You should begin your day with prayer and conclude your day with prayer. One of the reasons the church is losing the battle to worldliness and compromise, is that it doesn't pray. We need to be people of prayer. Call someone and ask if you can pray with them. If you see a distressing situation, go immediately to prayer. We should make prayer the first response to everything. This is not law, this is love. It will heal relationships and families. You can't stay mad at someone if you bring them to the throne of God in prayer. Pray without ceasing.

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