Wednesday, October 12, 2022

10-12-2022 Devotion: Providence

 Genesis 50: 20: "But as for you, you meant evil against me: but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it this day, to save many people alive." Joseph tells this verse to his brothers after their father Jacob had died. The brothers were concerned that Joseph might take revenge on them because they sold him into slavery and told their father he was dead. Joseph responds with a clear statement regarding the Sovereign Plan of God. There is a concept of Providence to be understood here. Providence is how God uses secondary causes (people, events, sickness, etc) and weaves them together to fulfill His Perfect Plan. Do you think it was a coincidence that the traders were coming along at the exact right moment to be in a position to purchase Joseph from his brothers? Of course not! God was weaving these events to put Joseph right where he needed to be to rise to the position of second in command of Egypt. God was going to save the nation of Israel. No Israel, no Messiah, no redemption and no hope of salvation, if Joseph is not sold into slavery from the pit. Think about this the next time something goes wrong (in your eyes). Look for His Providence and trust in His Sovereignty. 

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