Sunday, October 9, 2022

10-9-2022 Devotion: More on Sovereignty

 Jeremiah 10: 23: "O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." No man can walk right apart from the revelation of God in His Word. The minute a man turns from the Word of God, he is on a detour. That is our natural course. In fact, we begin that way. My friend, “it is not in man … to direct his steps.” We are dependent upon the omniscient God for direction in every area of our lives. If you read Romans 3, you will see that man in his natural state will never choose God. It is only when God orders the steps of a man that man will choose to go God's way. Jeremiah knew that man was incapable and needed God's direction. Look around at the church programs today and see if the current pastors know this. (Hint: Most don't.) I take comfort in knowing that when I am facing a personal challenge that the God of all Creation is directing my steps. You may walk through the fire but you are never alone.

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