Saturday, October 15, 2022

10-15-2022 Devotion: Depravity

 We are going to leave the topic of the Sovereignty of God and focus on the depravity of man. The main issue is whether man is totally depraved or only partially depraved. Does man need the grace of God to come to him before he repents and exercises faith? After we review Scriptures for a few days, we will answer this question. Romans 3: 10 reads: "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one...." What does it mean to be righteous? Well, it means you are right. Right with whom? You are to be right with God. And if we are going to be right with God, we are going to live according to His rules. God’s salvation is a take it or leave it proposition. God is not forcing anybody to take His salvation. You don’t have to be saved. You can turn it down. God says, “This is My universe. You’re living on My little world, using My sunshine and My water and My air, and I have worked out a plan of salvation that is true to My character and My nature. My plan of salvation is the one that’s going to be followed. You’re a sinner, and I want to save you because I love you. Now here it is. Take it or leave it.” Paul makes it clear that no one is righteous. This means, no one without Christ is righteous. I don't care what the government, church, or society thinks about you, God calls you lost. Yet, He still wants to save you. 

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