Sunday, October 16, 2022

10-16-2022 Devotion: None

 Romans 3: 11: "There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God." On their own, no one understands God.  The problem lies in the corruption of the understanding; that is blinded, depraved, perverted. In other words, apart from the work of the Holy Spirit, no one can understand how to be saved. Moreover, no one on their own is seeking God. That is, none has any interest in God for conversion and deliverance, nor any desire after him. The carnal mind is so far from seeking after God that really it is hatred against him. The Apostle Paul uses the Greek word translated as "none" and it means "not at all, in no way, absolutely not." Paul is making a universal statement of fact. No one seeks after God. Modern day evangelism fails to recognize this fact. That is why most evangelism today appeals to man's flesh to try and convince him "to make a decision for Jesus." A decision for Jesus saves no one. True evangelism preaches the doctrine of repentance because you know that the only way that message will be received is if the Holy Spirit is working on the person's heart. Man on his own will not seek God. That is what Paul is saying. If you have sought God, thank Him today for putting that desire in your heart.

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