Sunday, October 23, 2022

Faith Series 6: Worshipping by Faith

 Today's lesson is part 6 in our faith series. Last week, we instructed you on what was "Walking by Faith"? Now, we look at what we mean by the phrase, "Worshipping by Faith"?  This is important as you don't want to be deceived about your faith. You want a faith that is alive and operational in your life. You want to worship by faith. Thank God, we have His Word, and He will guide us. We can know the truth and that truth will set us free. Prayerfully read this lesson and ask yourself, "Am I "Worshipping by Faith"? 


Hebrews 11: 4 reads: "By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh." Notice the first expression, "By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain." This indicates that Cain offered an excellent sacrifice as well. There was nothing wrong inherently with his sacrifice. The offering Cain brought was according to God's Word as set forth in Proverbs 3: 9: "Honor the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase.

Cain's offering was a thank-offering. In its place, a thank offering offered unto God the Giver of all material blessings is a proper act of worship. Yet Abel's offering was "a more excellent sacrifice." As we understand these differences, it will lead us to an understanding of what it means to Worship by Faith.

Section 1: Abel's More Excellent Sacrifice

Why was Cain's thank-offering rejected? His offering was from the fruit of his labors. Cain, like every unregenerated natural man, wants to make God the recipient and not the giver. Man wants to be, and feel, independent and self-sufficient, and it makes him to feel important to be in a position to give. The unsaved want to do "good works" in an effort to establish their salvation. If they do all the right things and avoid doing the things that are sin, they can, in their mind, place God in a position that He has to save them. I know groups that have so many extra Biblical rules in an effort to prove their "holiness." Of course, they can't do this, and neither could Cain. I know of groups that have set some of the following rules to establish their holiness:

1. No rock skipping on Sunday.

2. No Sunday newspaper reading.

3. Women must wear panty hose at all times they are outside the house.

4. No chrome bumpers on your vehicles.

5. No purchases on Sunday of any kind except those medically necessary.

6. A multitude of dress codes mostly directed at women: no shorts, no pants, elbows must be covered, no cutting of hair, etc.

7. Certain amusements are to be avoided, e.g., movies, ball games, skating rinks and bowling alleys.

The approach of Cain is to establish one's own righteousness. Yet, Cain's sacrifice was still excellent. How could it be? Cain's offering had its place in giving thanks to the LORD, however, it was not the sacrifice that established that he was righteous. Man's works are insufficient in this regard.

Abel's sacrifice was "more excellent" because in offering the lamb, Abel was acknowledging that he was not only a creature but a sinner, and that he was utterly dependent upon the Sacrifice for righteousness. As a result, Abel "obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts."

God rejected Cain's offering because it was based on self-sufficiency, and He accepted Abel's offering because it was based on faith in the sacrifice and the shedding of blood. While there is no way to be sure, I believe if Cain had brought a lamb with his heart in the condition it was, God would have rejected it. Why? For the same reason. Cain's offering was not BY FAITH. I have had sinners tell me that they are trusting Jesus, yet they are not saved. Why? For the same reason Cain's offering was rejected, it was not offered BY FAITH.

Abel is the first man recorded in the Bible who WORSHIPPED BY FAITH. The Word doesn't say that Adam and Eve didn't, but Abel is the first one recorded in the Bible who worshipped by faith. Abel had no example to follow except his parents. Abel most likely watched his parents as a young boy offer sacrifices, so he knew what he was to do. It is a beautiful heritage of parents to show their children how to worship BY FAITH. What is the example you set for others? Do you worship BY FAITH?

The Scriptures say, "BY FAITH he offered unto God a ...sacrifice." Why? That he might obtain forgiveness of sins. I ask you to trust the Lord Jesus Christ BY FAITH. You must depend 100% on the Perfect Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ in shedding His blood for you so that you might be forgiven of your sins. Personally, I come to Him in the mornings and ask Him to forgive me anew of my sins. I bring the sacrifice BY FAITH, and I only have one, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, who died on Calvary's cross. Today, before bringing this message, I offered Him BY FAITH to the God of the Universe, and I came away with my sins forgiven, because the Word tells me, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins." (1 John 1:9)

The Bible says, "BY FAITH he offered unto God a ...sacrifice." Abel didn't act on feelings; he acted on facts. I know groups that believe you have to "pray through" to get saved. Before God saves you, they will tell the seeker that you have to go make restitution to those you have wronged before He will save you. Now don't misunderstand me, making restitutions is good, praying for long periods of time is good, but when it comes to the issue of salvation, your works WILL NEVER SAVE YOU. You're praying through, your restitutions, your, your. not the answer. It is not a matter of you believing God has saved you by your feelings, but rather because the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the written Word of God are in agreement. You are made a new creation when God makes you one. You will repent, have faith in the blood atonement, and you will WORSHIP BY FAITH.

Section 2: Abel's Foundation of Faith

The foundation of Abel's faith is found in Romans 10:17: "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Faith must have a solid foundation to rest upon. That foundation is the eternal, unbroken, verbally inspired Word of God. God speaks, the heart receives, and faith acts upon it. If the Bible is not the Word of God, you have no hope and no foundation. I will testify, there is not a shadow, not one ray of doubt in my heart and mind but that the Bible is the Word of God. Believe the Word and be saved; believe it not and be eternally damned. There was a bumper sticker I saw years ago: "God said it. I believe it. That settles it." The phrase was close to true. The better word is" "God said it. That settles it." What is your belief concerning the Bible as God's Perfect Word. It is without error and perfect. I can prove that and perhaps one day I will give you a message on that topic.

There are two kinds of "hearing." There is the outward hearing, and there is the inward hearing. The outward hearing informs. You hear with the natural ear; that informs you. The inward hearing, hearing by the heart, influences you. God speaks, the heart hears. Outward hearing instructs the mind, inward hearing molds the heart. You must have both. You have to have the outward hearing before you can have the inward hearing of the heart. I have said many times, I can only speak to your mind. Only the Holy Spirit can take the words in your mind and apply them to your heart. Get this now, SALVATION IS A SUPERNATURAL ACT. That is a reason that the modern-day church is so worldly and compromising. They make man the final arbiter, not God. If you get this wrong, you are headed for big trouble. Your evangelism will be weak and not tell people the truth. Many times, I am told I am too hard, and I need to soften the message otherwise people won't receive it. That is my exact point. WHEN YOU TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH, IN THE NATURAL THEY WILL NOT RECEIVE IT. I DON'T WANT FALSE CONVERTS. WHEN THE HOLY SPIRIT IS WORKING ON THE HEART THE PERSON WILL RUN TOWARD THE TRUTH AND BE SAVED. That is why I preach and teach the way I do.

In addition to two kinds of hearing, there is a twofold faith: one is intellectually assenting to what God has revealed, and the other is the faith of the heart, which is vital and supernatural principle which works by love. You must first have intellectual faith. Saving faith is first intellectual faith assenting to what God has revealed, and then the faith of the heart which is the work of the Holy Spirit. You need them both! Remember, you are not saved by a fact, but you are saved by a Person. Just believing in the fact that Jesus Christ is the Son of God won't save you. Even the demons believe and tremble. It is not until faith is wrought in the heart in a supernatural act by the Holy Spirit that one is saved.

Friend, did you know that when God gets ready to save a sinner, He writes His Law upon the heart and mind of that individual. A case may look hopeless, but it never is. We pray here that the Holy Spirit would reveal to the lost soul their sin. The sinner is incapable of repenting and having faith until the Holy Spirit does a real work in the heart of the lost sinner. When that supernatural act occurs, the sinner will become saved. He will turn to the LORD in repentance, and he will have faith in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Section 3: God's Teachings on Sacrifices

Adam and Eve learned four things in the Garden of Eden about sacrifices:

1. Man needs a covering for his sins; that is one thing He taught them when He slew the animals and made them coats of skin. You need a covering. My covering is the Lord Jesus Christ, the righteousness of God in Christ.

2. God taught Adam and Eve that man's covering is worthless. The couple were trying to sew fig leaves together as a cover. Every sinner whoever gets saved is taught that his apron of self-righteousness is worthless. God won't have your self righteousness. It is worthless.

3. They learned that God must provide a covering. You can try to work your way to heaven, but you can't. You can keep the Sabbath, speak in tongues, get baptized or join a church, but it won't get you entry into heaven. You will get there only on the basis of the shed blood of the Son of God and the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, the righteousness of God, which is Christ Himself.

4. Adam and Eve learned that the covering is obtained by death and blood shedding ("Without shedding of blood (there) is no remission." (Hebrews 9: 22) The covering for sin requires a death and blood-shedding. God wrought out the garment that He gives us on the loom of the cross, He tested it in the darkness of the tomb, and He adorned it in the brightness of the resurrection morning!

God accepted Abel's offering because it was offered BY FAITH. Again, if Cain had brought a lamb, God most likely would not have accepted it because Cain did not offer his sacrifice by faith, but rather self-works. Notice the difference between Abel and his parents. Abel "brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof." Adam and Eve "hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God." Did you see the great truth? There is a sense of guilt that causes a sinner to flee from God. He thinks he can hide himself among the trees and hide himself from his guilt. However, when the Holy Spirit brings conviction to the sinner, and the sinner senses his need, that sinner will flee to Christ. It is my prayer that you will sense your need today so that you will flee to Christ for salvation.

Section 4: Abel's Offering BY FAITH

Abel brought, "The firstlings of his flock, and the fat thereof." "The firstling of the flock" typifies Christ as God's Elect Servant, the Head of the new race. "The fat thereof," refers to the lamb slain. Bringing his offering BY FAITH Abel acknowledged five things:

1. God was righteous and His judgment just in driving Adam and Eve out of the Garden. How many of you do not acknowledge "original sin" and say you didn't fall with Adam? Abel knew this and that is why he brought an offering BY FAITH.

2. Abel acknowledged that he was a guilty sinner and the punishment of death just. God will never forgive a sinner until that sinner takes responsibility for his actions. "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." (Ezekiel 18: 4) Every person that ever gets saved comes to a place that he acknowledges that God is right, and he is wrong. He knows he deserves hell. However, know this, God doesn't send you to hell; you send yourself to hell.

3. Abel acknowledged that God is holy, and He hates sin and must punish sin. The average person today doesn't believe that. You hear phrases like, "God loves the sinner but hates the sin." It isn't sinning that God sends to hell, it is the sinner.

4. Abel acknowledged that God is merciful and willing and will accept the death of a Substitute in the sinner's place. When you know this (and you can't without the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit), God's mercy overtakes you and you know that Lord Jesus Christ was a sin offering for YOU!

5. Abel acknowledged that he looked for acceptance with God in Christ the Lamb, of which that lamb that he brought was a type of Christ. Abel offered his sacrifice BY FAITH and offered it as a type of Christ who would die in his place, the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.


Friend, do you have faith in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to save you? There is a rest today and you can have it. You can know that your sins are upon the Lord Jesus Christ. You can know that the blood of Jesus Christ saves you. You can know the truth of Christ crucified, Christ buried, Christ resurrected, Christ ascension, and Christ coming again. Do you know this? If not, you can, today!

Next week: Serving by Faith.

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