Tuesday, October 4, 2022

10-4-2022 Devotion: The Desert

 We continue our study of some devotional writings from Andrew A Bonar. Bonar (1810-1882) was a minister in the United Kingdom. His devotional writings are very special to me. Today, we look at going through the desert experiences in life. Bonar wrote: "God knows best how to ripen a soul for His own presence in glory." "Trials are the opening of channels for more grace." "Our Maker fashions our lot as well as fashions our frames." "The Lord chooses our lot for us here and He chooses our mansion for us above." I take great comfort in praying every day acknowledging that God is Sovereign and in charge of the world. Our LORD is never taken by surprise and is never slumbering or sleeping. Whatever you may experience in life, is exactly what He is having you to go through. Whether mountaintop or valley, He is with you. That is a great comfort to me.

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