Friday, October 7, 2022

10–7-2022 : Sovereignty Part 2

 We continue looking at the Sovereignty of God. Isaiah 46:10: "Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure...." From the beginning of time He declared the end of time, and the end of all things. Enoch prophesied, Behold, the Lord comes. From the beginning of a nation He declares what the end of it will be. He told Israel what should befall them in the latter days, what their end should be, and wished they were so wise as to consider it. From the beginning of an event he declares what the end of it will be. Only the one that had the power and ability to control the outcome could guarantee the ability to know the end before it occurred in time. This gives me great comfort. Are you facing something next week? Well, the LORD has seen it. Moreover, He has determined what will serve His purposes. That should be shouting ground. This does not eliminate man's responsibility to act. We will write later about secondary causes. For now, know that you have a role to plan in God's Perfect Plan. But it is a role of submission to His Sovereignty and Purpose. Rest in that.

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