Tuesday, January 10, 2023

1-10-2023 Devotion: Deification

 Today, we look at another error very prevalent today and that is the deification of man. Man has become the center of the church experience. The services may contain strobe lights, fast paced music, and create an entertainment atmosphere designed to please the attendees. Worship is about how the participant feels and his senses as opposed to the worship of God. This error has spread into the message of salvation. Man gets to decide how he will worship, when he will worship and how he will get saved. The church creates holidays not in the Bible, e.g. Christmas and Easter, and decides when it will gather to worship God. The church decides that a prayer can be said that will result in salvation without repentance. When the church places man at the center of the church experience, it is abandoning its true purpose. Just look at the programs a church offers, e.g. Celebrate Recovery, and you can see where the emphasis is. We are to remember that God is Sovereign and He decides how He is to be worshipped and when. He is the author of salvation, not man. Jonah 2: 9 says, "Salvation is of the Lord." Daniel 4: 35 states: "all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, “What have you done?” We need to keep our focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Message. Don't allow all the entertainment trappings to seduce you into a compromising walk. It will not end well.

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