Monday, January 9, 2023

1-9-2023 Devotion: Binding

 Another error we confront today is found in a misinterpretation of Matthew 18: 18: "Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." I have seen "preachers" "bind the devil, bind sickness, bind financial woes, bind dementia" and on and on. Well, let me ask you, did it work? If the devil is being bound by everybody why is he still running loose reating pain and sorrow? If the devil was bound, did someone let him out this week so he could be bound again? This is pure nonsense. Leave immediately any fellowship that believes that they can "bind the devil, diseases and other woes." What does the passage refer to? The sum of the passage means that any duly constituted body of believers, acting in accord with God’s Word, has the authority to declare if someone is forgiven or unforgiven. The church’s authority is not to determine these things, but to declare the judgment of heaven based on the principles of the Word. When they make such judgments on the basis of God’s Word, they can be sure heaven is in accord. Now, the Scripture makes sense when read in context. Don't be deceived.

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