Friday, January 20, 2023

1-20-2023 Devotion: Tongue

 We continue looking at developing your devotional life. I like to use written prayers as a springboard to unscripted prayer. The written prayer will give you seed thoughts to pray from your heart whatever you desire to say to the Lord. Today, I offer you a prayer I wrote on controlling your tongue. The tongue is capable of blessing and cursing. You can hurt the ones you love by speaking harsh words. Pray the following to control your speech:

Prayer for Our (My) Tongue

Blessed are You Lord God, Creator of heaven and earth;

You have created me with a tongue, 

One to speak good but it often speaks evil.

I am tempted to gossip, backbite and speak mischief.

Forgive me dear God for allowing my tongue 

To bless You and then curse those made in Your image.

I find it hard to control my tongue;

Sometimes I do not want to control my tongue;

Yet Your grace is sufficient to control my tongue;

I surrender my tongue to You; set a guard over my mouth.

I ask You to forgive my sins of speech

And cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

Let me be slow to speak and quick to listen;

Let me work twice as much as I talk.

Let my mouth praise You, Bless You and 

Comfort and exhort my brethren.

In Your Name I pray,


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