Thursday, January 19, 2023

1-19-2023 Devotion: Surrender

 We continue looking at developing your devotional life. I like to use written prayers as a springboard to unscripted prayer. The written prayer will give you seed thoughts to pray from your heart whatever you desire to say to the Lord. Today, I offer you a prayer I wrote on surrendering every day to the Lord Jesus Christ:

Prayer of Surrender

Blessed are You Holy God

I now give my all to You,

My body, soul, and mind together as one without division;

I give my time, talents, and family all to You.

I give my past, present, and future

All to You for guidance, forgiveness and safekeeping.

Whatever occurs to me today, I will trust in You.

My very life is in Your hands.

I thank You for the Word of God.

You have provided the truth to instruct me how to live for You.

Your ways are perfect.

May I walk in obedience to Your commands and bring Glory to Your Name.

It brings comfort to give my all to such a great God;

You are love. 

Yet, Your love for me remains a mystery.

May I show my love for You by studying and obeying the Bible.

Into Your Hands I commit my all

That Your name may be glorified.

Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Your name I pray.

Amen and Amen.

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