Wednesday, January 25, 2023

1-25-2023 Devotion: Before Him

 We continue today thinking about the Latin phrase Coram Deo. Coram Deo means “before the face of God” or “in the presence of God.” To live one’s life “before God” (coram Deo) is a Scriptural concept, as the Lord is omnipresent and knows our every action and thought. Since God created us for His glory and purposes, our lives should be lived for Him and His glory. As Psalm 115: 1 says, “Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” Living coram Deo is to recognize that God is ultimately whom we live for; we do not live for others’ approval, recognition, or admiration. Since God alone is the One who redeemed us from our sin, He alone deserves all the glory and praise. Coram Deo counters what is taught in the world today. Entertainment and social media constantly present a version of life in which God is totally absent. The world wants God removed from every aspect of our lives. This is the plan of the enemy and he uses the world's systems to help accomplish that plan. The predominant view of our society is that we should focus on ourselves and do what we think is right for us. Popularity, fame, and fortune are the acceptable pursuits. In contrast, Coram Deo reminds us that we live for an audience of one: the Lord God. Walking before God and living to glorify Him will affect all areas of our lives, and we should be ready to tell others about our purpose of living for Jesus. Remember, you are concerned with the Audience of One. Live all of life before Him.

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