Wednesday, January 11, 2023

1-11-2023 Devotion: Voice

 Today, we look at another verse that leads to another error found in both charismatic and non charismatic churches. John 10: 3, 4 reads: "To him the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice." A group labeled as "Hearing God's Voice" aka HGV, advocates this Scripture to mean that true believers hear the voice of God and He guides them everyday in mundane everyday life choices, e.g. what job to take, where to go on vacation, and one famous minister spoke how God told him where to buy a turkey. HGV teaches that this verse is essential to develop a good relationship with God. You hear the Lord Jesus Christ's voice and you follow Him to develop the relationship you crave with Him. That is an incorrect interpretation. Looking at the context, Christ is talking to Pharisees (starts in chapter 9) and He is establishing how God creates a relationship. You hear the call of God in that the Holy Spirit awakens you to your sin, the need for repentance, and grants you the ability to have faith and repent. You follow Him in that you respond to that call. The call of the shepherd is to be born-again, not a voice that tells you where the best deals on a turkey are. Don't be deceived. The Lord calls His own and His own do hear His voice. They leave the sheepfold (i.e. the world) and follow the shepherd in repentance and faith. The Bible makes so much sense when it is interpreted in context. Don't be deceived.

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