Saturday, January 21, 2023

1-21-2023 Devotion: Affirmation

 We continue looking at developing your devotional life. I like to use written prayers as a springboard to unscripted prayer. The written prayer will give you seed thoughts to pray from your heart whatever you desire to say to the Lord. Today, I offer you a prayer I wrote on affirming your faith. It is good to daily affirm your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a great way to start or end your day. Pray slowly meditating on the words:

 Prayer of Affirmation

Blessed are You Lord God

There is No God like unto You

Your mercy, grace and forgiveness

Is from everlasting to everlasting.

From the depths of my heart

I praise and worship you with all that is within me.

You have been my fortress, my refuge, and my deliverer.

I confess my shortcomings, failures, and sins 

And admit that they are no way to thank You

For the goodness You have shown me.

I praise and adore You

That Your Word is true.

Your forgiveness and cleansing power knows no end.

I thank You for deliverance and protection.

May I live every day, every hour, every minute,

Every second to glorify You.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray.

Amen and amen.

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