Sunday, January 22, 2023

1-22-2023 Devotion: Attitude

 As we continue to focus on developing our devotional life, we want to stress our attitude in prayer. Whether you use written prayers, extemporaneous prayers, or a combination of both types, your attitude must be one of humility and submission. True prayer is an approach of the soul by the Spirit of God to the throne of God. True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that. Prayer is a spiritual transaction with the Creator of heaven and earth. Hebrews 4: 16 reads in part: "The throne of grace." We are to come boldly and confidently, but at the same time with deep humility to that throne of grace. Our Spirit within us, begotten by the Holy Ghost at our regeneration, discerns the Great Spirit, communes with Him, presents to Him requests, and receives from Him answers of peace. True prayer is a spiritual business from beginning to end, and its aim and object end not with man but reach to God Himself. We should approach our time of devotional prayer with delight and humility. He will hear you. That is enough reason to arise a bit earlier than normal and spend time with your Creator.

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