Wednesday, January 4, 2023

1-4-2023 Devotion: True Conversion

 We are continuing to look at the mistaken concept of a "carnal Christian." It is important that we have a correct understanding of Scripture. Correct doctrine leads to correct thinking, which in turn leads to correct action, ending with correct habits and practice. The problem with the "carnal Christian" teaching is that it minimizes the real conversion experience by magnifying a supposed second experience, by whatever name it may be called, "higher life," "deeper life," "Spirit-filled life," or "triumphant living" or receiving Christ as Lord after first receiving Him as Savior. 2 Corinthians 5: 17 reads: "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." These words do not refer to a second experience but rather to what happens when any real conversion occurs. The problem is that people water down what true salvation is and try to get as many people as they can "saved" (when they aren't), hoping to get them walking right with a second experience to complete them. Anything that waters down the gospel is dangerous as a potential heresy. Let us remember to be true to the Gospel message. Remember the new birth contains two parts: forgiveness of sins and a new heart. If you don't have these two elements, a new creation has not been born. The "carnal Christian" doctrine tries to create a third category. Run, do not walk, from this teaching. 

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