Monday, January 16, 2023

1-16-2023 Devotion: Slumber

 We have been looking at some of the errors seen in the church that cause confusion and disappointment. Today, we shift to focus on your personal devotional life. Without a consistent time of Bible reading, study and prayer, you will find yourself living a defeated Christian life. We want to focus on improving our time with the Lord. We need to break the spirit of slumber. Spiritual slumber will weaken the spirit of prayer. Christ Himself gave us a perfect pattern of prayer. In Matthew 6: 13, we read: " And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." Our Lord provides three reasons to persuade God to hear our prayers, which means He will hear and answer. The reasons influence every one of the petitions in what we call "The Lord's Prayer." Thine is the kingdom, and therefore we expect that as a good King you should receive and answer our petitions. Thine is the power, which kings sometimes lack, but our King lacks nothing and He is all powerful and He will answer. Thine is the glory, the hallowing of Your Name is a chief part of Your glory. You are glorified when we obey your Word and Will. We can pray, "Lord, do all these things for us, for we trust and hope that you will do all these things for us." Saints  have prayed this way for ages. Let us arise and shake off the slumber as we emphasize to Whom we pray.

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