Thursday, January 5, 2023

1-5-2023 Devotion: No Excuses

 Another issue that is presented by the "carnal Christian" doctrine is the issue of sanctification. Sanctification is a theological term that means being separated to God, or for a particular purpose. The question is asked, "Are we sanctified passively, that is "by faith" only, without obedience to the law of God and Christ? If sanctification is passive, a view represented by the motto, "Let go and let God," how can we reconcile the Scriptures that read, "I fight," "I run," "I keep under my body," "let us cleanse ourselves" "let us labor," "let us lay aside every weight"? Surely these statements do not express a passive condition, nor do they indicate that by one single act we may possess the experience of "victory" and thus become spiritual and mature Christians. While salvation is of the Lord (Jonah 2: 9), sanctification is a joint effort of the Holy Spirit working with your new heart to become more Christlike every day. The "carnal Christian" allows the "believer" to make excuses because after all, they are just carnal. This why this error must be exposed. If you know someone that claims to be a Christian but living like the world, they are not saved. They are lost. They are not in the family of God. The truth must be told. We are to stand for the truth. Salvation is forgiveness and a changed, i.e., a new heart. If you know this salvation, thank Him today. If you don't know it, seek Him because He will never turn you away if you come in faith and repentance.

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