Saturday, January 28, 2023

1-28-2023 Devotion: Help

 We are continuing to look at developing our devotional life. I am a firm believer that one should employ a good Bible commentary to aid in understanding difficult passages. The rule is context, context, context. You must read a verse in context and a commentary will help you gain understanding. I recommend Matthew Henry's Commentary and you can find it free online here:   Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete) - Bible Study Online ( ( For example, Proverbs 21: 1 reads: "The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will." Matthew Henry wrote the following on this verse: "Even the hearts of men are in God’s hand, and not only their goings, as he had said, Prov. 20:24 ( God can change men’s minds, can, by a powerful insensible operation under their spirits, turn them from that which they seemed most intent upon, and incline them to that which they seemed most averse to, as the husbandman, by canals and gutters, turns the water through his grounds as he pleases, which does not alter the nature of the water, nor put any force upon it, any more than God’s providence does upon the native freedom of man’s will, but directs the course of it to serve his own purpose." Now we can apply this verse by praying that the Lord would turn the heart and mind of our lost loved one to Himself. The commentary brought out the application for our prayer life. That is good praying.

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