Friday, January 6, 2023

1-6-2023 Devotion: God Told Me

 Today, we look at another erroneous doctrine which states that God is supplementing His Perfect Word with personal revelations to individuals. These people do not believe that God's Word is sufficient on its own. Instead, "I need to hear a word from the Lord so I will know what to do." I have seen this doctrine used to justify divorce, affairs, immorality and much more. "God told me," is no excuse to not study the Word of God. Over the next few days, we will explore this false doctrine. There is a saying I like, "If you want to hear God speak, read His Word. If you want to hear Godspeak audibly, read it out loud." While in divinity school, we learned the different truth models. One was "psychological certainty." This error stated that once a person had received what they believed to be a word from a higher power, there could be no further discussion on the matter. If "God told you," there is no more debate. I hear people all the time say, "God told me." My response (sometimes with my inside voice), is, "no He didn't." The Sovereign Creator of the Universe did not give you a personal revelation. Revelation 22: 18 reads in part, "If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book." This is a serious error that can lead to many heartaches. Stay with the Word of God.

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